• Hi Andy,

    I sometimes think I surrender my privacy when I enter office building.

    I certainly don't want to discuss this with the users!

    But in a way even this is the problem. Do you intentionally keep the users 'stupid' (not always a bad idea ). Or do you tell them, what you are able to do, and maybe will do in case you need to.

    Well, now comes Steve into play.

    Hello Steve,

    from what I know about labor law, protection of data privacy and other legal stuff, the best idea is to implement this in company policy. We do not have something like this for emails. Only for internet activity. That seems to be the way to go without losing myself within jurisprudence. I'll delegate this to our legal and human ressources dapartments.

    Thanks to all for answering!

    BTW, are those 'monitoring policies' for email, internet, db.... something quite common for you?



    Frank Kalis
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