Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Selecting different records from a same column RE: Selecting different records from a same column

  • GRN and all my Gurus

    Wow! Eureka! It worked! See the code:


    strQ = "SELECT numeroind0, numeroind1 FROM (SELECT mesind, anoind, tipoind, numeroind AS numeroind0 FROM indecontb WHERE tipoind LIKE '%" & k & "%' AND mesind LIKE '%" & mesind0 & "%' AND anoind LIKE '%" & anoind0 & "%') AS numeroind0 CROSS JOIN (SELECT mesind, anoind, tipoind, numeroind AS numeroind1 FROM indecontb WHERE tipoind LIKE '%" & k & "%' AND mesind LIKE '%" & mesind1 & "%' AND anoind LIKE '%" & anoind1 & "%') AS numeroind1"

    set objRS = conn.execute(strQ)

    objRS.Open strQ


    I must have done something wrong, any tiny detail, because it's GRN idea!

    Even so, I want to thank all my Gurus for this kind -- and huge! -- attention, and patience with me! God thank You all!
