• Here's one without a temp table, but it does use multiple outer theta (inequality) joins...I'm sure SQL server will find some way of making the 4 joins to [child] a bit more efficient - at least it will probably sort the data from [main] and use merge joins rather than loops.

    THe query brings back the first three child records ordering by [id] (primary key). If you have a wide primary key (e.g. varchar), the joins might be a bit sluggish.

    [id] is primary key on both tables. [main_id] is the foreign key to [main] from [child].

    I haven't included any other fields for simplicity, but you can would just add them to the 'select' list.

    select m.id parentPK,

    c1.id childPK1,

    c2.id childPK2,

    c3.id childPK3

    from main m

    left join child c1

    on c1.main_id = m.id

    left join child c2

    on c2.main_id = m.id

    and c1.id < c2.id

    left join child c3

    on c3.main_id = m.id

    and c2.id < c3.id

    left join child c_dummy


    c_dummy.main_id = m.id



    c_dummy.id < c1.id



    c_dummy.id > c1.id

    and c_dummy.id < c2.id




    c_dummy.id > c2.id

    and c_dummy.id < c3.id



    where c_dummy.id is null

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant