• While doing some more research and testing I discovered some interesting fact. If I change the order of the tables in my view definition the trigger works.

    So instead of

    (select fnc.id fnc_id,fnc.name fnc_name,lst.*
    from us_functions fnc, us_lists lst
    where lst.list_type = 1) lst
    left join us_list_values liv
    on liv.lst_id = lst.id and liv.fnc_id = lst.fnc_id

    It needs to be

    us_list_values liv
    Right join (select fnc.id fnc_id,fnc.name fnc_name,lst.*
    from us_functions fnc, us_lists lst
    where lst.list_type = 1) lst
    on liv.lst_id = lst.id and liv.fnc_id = lst.fnc_id

    Can anyone explain why this makes a difference ?

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]