Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL implement parent and child in build of materials “ RE: implement parent and child in build of materials “

  • Hi, thanks for all the help folks, I have made some decent progress:

    Here is my table structure so far:


    productId productDesc

    ---------- ---------

    1 car

    2 frontWheel

    3 rearWheel

    4 frontWheelBolt

    5 rearWheelBolt

    6 frontWheelWasher

    7 rearWheelWasher


    bomId bomName

    ------ ---------

    1 frontWheelBOM

    2 rearWheelBOM

    ‘products that compose a BOM


    bomId productId

    ------------ ---------

    1 (frontWheelBOM) 4 (frontWheelBolt)

    1 (frontWheelBOM) 6 (frontWheelWasher)

    2 (rearWheelBOM) 5 (rearWheelBolt)

    2 (rearWheelBOM) 7 (rearWheelWasher)


    productId dependentId

    --------- ---------

    1 (car) 2 (frontWheel)

    1 (car) 3 (rearWheel)

    1 (car) 4 (frontWheelBolt)

    1 (car) 5 (rearWheelBolt)

    1 (car) 6 (frontWheelWasher)

    1 (car) 7 (rearWheelWasher)


    bomId productId

    ------------ ---------

    1 (frontWheelBOM) 1 (car)

    2 (rearWheelBOM) 1 (car)

    I hope that I have the correct understanding of this?


    I can return a list of all the PRODUCTS that compose the “finished” product by using the following sProc:


    SELECT DISTINCT p.productDesc

    FROM tblProduct p, tblProductDependent pd

    WHERE pd.productId = 1

    AND pd.dependentId = p.productId

    I can also list all the BOM’s that compose the “finished” product by using the following sProc:



    FROM tblBom b, tblBomDetail bd

    WHERE b.bomId = bd.bomId

    AND bd.productId = 1

    So, I can now have a product that can compose MUTIPLE BOM’s. ( I hope 🙂

    As far as hierarchy goes, I was thinking of using the following table:


    catId catName

    ------------ ---------

    1 car

    2 wheel

    3 bolt

    I would then add the “catId“ foreign key to tblProduct, so that I could then reference the “catId“ as a starting point for a hierarchy etc

    It’s probably not ideal, but I thought that it would be something to be going on with. I realise that I haven’t even touched on :


    "In all our examples none of us have mentioned:

    1) quantity-off e.g 4 bolts to a wheel etc.

    2) a common product might appear in more than one place in a complex build. For example you may use the same bolts on both a front and a rear wheel. You could even use a common assembly in more than one place (an electric window mechanism for example)."


    but I am conscious of not:

    1) running before I can walk

    2) Making my posts too long.

    So, that’s how my weekend was spent 🙂

    Many thanks for all the help so far.
