• Hi Jigman,


    Ok, back to SQL Server. Say I have a table populated with around 50 items. The primary key is their ID (eg 1-50). If I get a new item that I want to chuck in the database at say position 25, is it possible to do this without deleting position 25? For example can I insert this new item with ID 25, so the current item with ID 25 now becomes 26, the one after that goes from 26 to 27 and so forth, all the way to the end where the table will now hold 51 items instead of 50. Does this make sense? Is this possible?

    why do you want to do this?

    Of course, you can do this, but unless there is a good reason for this, I think the maintenance cost will outweight the benefit by far.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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