Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 General float problems (with front-end Java app.) RE: float problems (with front-end Java app.)

  • Hi Michelle,

    sorry, just came across your response.


    However, our test data was inserted for that example as: 0.054, but when a quick SELECT * FROM tblName is run.. we got the "funky" output 5.3999999999999999E-2 🙂

    Another insert into the same field, different value: 0.106, come out just as it went in.. go figure ;>

    you can't tell for sure you get the same results again. It's nondeterministic!


    We will have to investigate this a bit to see what we have in Java that will work out & up match for us. I have emailed my team the links to this thread & to the link below you included and will let you know what we end up trying out!

    looking forward to hear what happens


    Thanks for the other link.. there might be some "trial & error" in our future, but a senior Java person we have access to might be able to shed some light on it.. although he knows MySQL more than SQL.

    that makes no difference, because the data type 'decimal' is a standard numeric SQL 92 data type, and as such also implemented in MySQL

    For further information see this one





    Frank Kalis
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