• Jay,

    This is the code for the set based update statement:

    declare @row int, @increment int, @start datetime, @update_count int

    set @start = getdate()

    set @row = 1

    set @increment = 5000

    set @update_count = 0

    set rowcount 0

    while @row <= 5000 begin

    update [claims_2002] with (tablockx)

    set mdl_yr = left(col001,4), vin_cd = col002, sls_cntr = col003, veh_line = col004, plant_cd = col005, maint_dt = dbo.fn_AwsDateCheck(col006), prodn_dt = dbo.fn_AwsDateCheck(col007), wrty_sta = dbo.fn_AwsDateCheck(col008), orig_wrt = dbo.fn_AwsDateCheck(col009), wcc_cd = col011, tot_cost = dbo.fn_AwsClaimLocalCurrencyCost(col026,col012)

    ,lbr_cost = dbo.fn_AwsClaimLocalCurrencyCost(col026,col013), mtrl_cos = dbo.fn_AwsClaimLocalCurrencyCost(col026,col014), prt_num0 = col015, prt_num_ = col016, prt_num1 = col017, cpsc_6_c = col018, clm_cnt_ = col019, veh_cnt_ = col020

    ,sls_regi = col021, load_dt = dbo.fn_AwsDateCheck(col022), fcc_auth = col023, rpr_dt = dbo.fn_AwsDateCheck(col024), cust_con = col025, rpr_cntr = col026, milge = col027, mkt_deri = col028, adj_amt = col029, adj_rsn_ = col030

    ,cond_cd = col031, fcc_bin_ = col032, fcc_milg = col033, fcc_regi = col034, fcc_rpt_ = col035, fcc_term = col036, lbr_hrs = col037, prt_mrku = col038, prt_typ_ = col039, rpr_dlr_ = col040

    ,rpr_dlr0 = col041, doc_num = col042, funds_ty = dbo.fn_AwsClaimCurrency(col026)

    from tempdb..clm02_new

    where [claims_2002].clm_key = tempdb..clm02_new.col010

    and tempdb..clm02_new.rec_id between @row and (@row + @increment)

    set @update_count = @update_count + @@rowcount

    set @row = @row + @increment + 1


    print @update_count

    print datediff(second,@start,getdate())

    print @update_count/datediff(second,@start,getdate())


    /* Converts US$ Cost into Local Currecny cost for AWS claims */

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_AwsClaimLocalCurrencyCost] (@country_repaired varchar(25), @usd_cost decimal (25,2) )

    RETURNS decimal (25,2) AS


    return ( select @usd_cost * funds_fa

    from claims_fundrep_new

    where rpr_cntr = @country_repaired



    /* Checks the validity of date fields from AWS downloads */

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_AwsDateCheck] (@date smalldatetime)

    RETURNS varchar(25) AS


    declare @output_date varchar(25)

    if @date > '1950-01-01' and isDate(@date) = 1 set @output_date = @date

    else set @output_date = null

    return @output_date


    /* Returns local currency for AWS claims */

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_AwsClaimCurrency] (@country_repaired varchar(25) )

    RETURNS varchar(25) AS


    declare @output_Field varchar(25)

    if @country_repaired = 'USA' set @output_field = 'USD'

    else select @output_Field = funds_ty

    from claims_fundrep_new

    where rpr_cntr = @country_repaired

    return (@output_field)


    I'm still working on this so cosmectically it may not be at it's best (such as column names in the temporary tables)

    This is a 'weekly' update job although it can run at any time.

    Any ideas for improvements?
