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    I'm not sure about that.

    There are tendencies, especially in accounting, to present the annual balance sheet as fast as possible after 12/31. They call it 'fast-close'

    Many companies put unreasonable demands on accountants, especially the big accounting firms that prey upon, excuse me, hire kids right out of school. Same with engineers and architects: I know software guys who once worked for one of the large architectural firms, and, frankly, the bosses were slave drivers, from the sound of it.

    There are also some big computer consulting firms (no names, please!) that like to grind their software people into the dirt. Places like that are rife with bad management (IMHO) because everyone operates out of fear, and fear brings out the very worst in human nature.

    But even then, it's a different kind of bad management than from a non-technical boss, and it has to do with expectations. A technical boss may expect you to accomplish the extremely difficult, but a non-technical boss often expects you to accomplish the impossible.