• himan0110,

    I'm not quite with you ... Let's try it with an example.

    say: 1 row = 1000 bytes

    insert into ADStable

    select * from ODStable1 a

    where exists (select PK from ODStable2 b where a.PK = b.PK

    and b.a_key_field='SOMETHING')

    (b.a_key_field='SOMETHING' is less then 5% of the rows, so no table scan)

    both ODStables have clustered index on PK

    1.000.000 rows in ODStable

    How many pages are retrieved for this index seek ? (and how many for the data transfer)

    Only indexes or also datapages from both tables ?

    thanks in advance

    Edited by - hbkdba on 08/25/2003 05:42:44 AM