• Sorry Matt, I had the WHERE above the JOIN in my initial post... anyway, let's splitup the complexity...

    -- Make EOMDates table
    If Object_ID('TempDB..#EOMDates') id Not NULL Drop Table #EOMDates
    Select * Into #Temp From
    Select Convert(DateTime, Convert(Varchar(8), DateAdd(m, 1-AMonth, DateAdd(yy, -ManyYears, GetDate())), 1)) - DatePart(d, GetDate())
    As EndOfMonthDate
    From (
    Select Number as AMonth
    From Master.dbo.spt_Values
    Where Type = 'P' and Number Between 1 and 12) Months
    Cross Join (
    Select Number as ManyYears
    From Master.dbo.spt_Values
    Where Type = 'P' and Number Between 1 and 50) ManyYears -- may adjust the 5 to go back further
    ) EOMDates
    Where EndOfMonthDate Between '1/31/2000' and '11/30/03' -- adjust WHERE to suit date needs

    -- Now Simplified SELECT
    Select DatePart(m, EndOfMonthDate) as the_month,
    DatePart(yyyy, EndOfMonthDate) as the_year,
    isnull( (SELECT SUM(num_units) from active_units_static where month_end = EndOfMonthDate), 0)
    + count(termnum) as active_units
    from active_Units
    Join EOMDates
    On on_contract <= EndOfMonthDate
    and IsNULL(off_contract, EndOfMonthDate) >= EndOfMonthDate

    Let me know.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together