• You could have coded your SP as follows

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_check_login

      @username varchar(20),

      @password varchar(20) AS


      SELECT user_id,

        user_active as login_active,

        user_loginattempts as login_attempts,


      FROM tbl_user

      WHERE user_username = @username AND user_password = @password



    That way you could use your RETURN_VALUE to determine whether or not your user exists i.e. if the value is >0 then the user and password combination exists.

    If possible I would avoid using the ADO Command.Refresh statement because it has a noticeable performance hit.

    Try declaring the parameters explicitly

    Dim lResult as long

    Dim cmdLogin As ADODB.Command

    dim rsLogin as ADODB.Recordset

    Set cmdLogin = New ADODB.Command

    cmdLogin .ActiveConnection = connString

    cmdLogin .CommandText = "usp_check_login"

    cmdLogin .CommandType = 4

    cmdCommunity.CommandTimeout = 0

    cmdLogin .Parameters.Append cmdCommunity.CreateParameter("RETURN_VALUE", adInteger, adParamReturnValue, 4)

    cmdLogin .Parameters.Append cmdCommunity.CreateParameter("@username", adVarChar, adParamInput, 20, sUsername)

    cmdLogin .Parameters.Append cmdCommunity.CreateParameter("@password", adVarChar, adParamInput, 20, sPassword)

    set rsLogin = cmdLogin .Execute

    lResult = cmdLogin .Parameters(0).Value



    He was not wholly unware of the potential lack of insignificance.