• hi friend

    I think i did it.

    i selected publisher folder and in the context menu there is an option disable current server as

    distributor.i removed that check and finally i dont

    see hand icon on my database.

    But i still see those 2 connection in profiler running all the time.i see following 2 events running all the time .i dont understand what they are ?

    SQL:BatchCompleted SELECT N'Testing Connection...' SQLAgent - Alert Engine  rk 0 0 0 0 1140 53 2004-02-11 08:49:38.963 

    SQL:BatchCompleted EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters SQLAgent - Alert Engine  rk 20 122 0 80 1140 53 2004-02-11 08:50:19.093