• Thanks for your thoughts. I may be going about this backwards as I am designing the web page I want to see first and then working backward to the dB data I plan to pull out. So far, I have determined that I will need a table or view or stored procedure result set showing each employees time-off for an entire month. The table will show: employeeID, month, year, and a string containing each day off. I am not going to separate the day into hours as my calendar shows only the day. The string will look like 1-V, 4-V, 6-S, 7-S, 22-V etc... where the string says the employee took off the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 22nd as vacation days and was sick on the 6th of that particular month and year depicted by the row in the table containing the employee's ID, month, and year. In the calendar function buildCal() I found above I will input the month, year, and the string of days off as parameters. I will parse the string of days off into a javascript two-dimensional array, the first element as the day and the second element as the type of time off. I'm at the point right now of trying to join how the calendar gets built with my string of days off placed in the array. I'm pretty sure I can pull each day off by month and year out of our time-keeping system and eventually place the data into a SQL table in the format I want it in. The end result will be a web page showing one full years worth of monthly calendars color coded to depict an employees time off days at a glance for managers to make time-off decisions about their employees. Instead of seeing a bunch of dates not knowing which ones were Fridays or Mondays, having it in a calendar will immediately show which employees habitually choose to be sick for convenient three day weekends most often.