Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Passing stored procedure param to UDF for a parameterized view RE: Passing stored procedure param to UDF for a parameterized view

  • This is the script I am using to run the function:

    -- This just runs forever

    DECLARE @dtDateEnd datetime

    SELECT @dtDateEnd = '03/05/04'

    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnCMStatsMTD_Summary](@dtDateEnd)

    --- This work fine

    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnCMStatsMTD_Summary]('03/05/04')

    --If I hard code the date in the procedure it runs fine (50sec)

    ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CMStats_MTDTest @dtDateEnd datetime


    SELECT  fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Agency,

     fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Team_Number, fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Case_Number,

     fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Last_Name, fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.First_Name,

     fnCMStatsMTD_Summary.F2F, fnCMStatsMTD_Summary.Collateral

    FROM dbo.fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM('3/5/04') fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM

     LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.fnCMStatsMTD_Summary('3/5/04') fnCMStatsMTD_Summary

     ON fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Consumer_ID = fnCMStatsMTD_Summary.Consumer_ID

    --If I try to pass the date time variable to the functions in the procedure it runs forever.

    ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CMStats_MTDTest @dtDateEnd datetime


    SELECT  fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Agency,

     fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Team_Number, fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Case_Number,

     fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Last_Name, fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.First_Name,

     fnCMStatsMTD_Summary.F2F, fnCMStatsMTD_Summary.Collateral

    FROM dbo.fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM(@dtDateEnd) fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM

     LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.fnCMStatsMTD_Summary(@dtDateEnd) fnCMStatsMTD_Summary

     ON fnAdmissionsMTD_CR_CM.Consumer_ID = fnCMStatsMTD_Summary.Consumer_ID

    The UDF is a parameterized view that uses the date passed to select records by a date field.

    Is there some coversion or something that needs to be done to the variable is the procedure to get it to pass to the function?