Home Forums Programming General OUTPUT parameters and select statements RE: OUTPUT parameters and select statements

  • You were on the right track, but it sounds like a command object is warranted

    (whatever that may be in ADO.NET).  I swear there's been so many sql server

    api's over the years they begin to blur in the head.  You know I guess this problem

    wasn't an ADO problem it was more of db-lib problem.  But it looks like its

    reincarnated back with the thinness of ADO.NET.  This is an overall good thing,

    but leads to your point of confusion.  Here's the snippet from the this msdn article related to your issue.

    Peter Evans (__PETER Peter_)

    Retrieving the Gazoutas: Understanding SQL Server Return Codes and Output Parameters

    William Vaughn

    Beta V Corporation

    April 2003

    Applies to:

       Microsoft ADO.NET

       Microsoft SQL Server™


    Managing Return Value and OUTPUT Parameters

    If you want to capture the integer passed back by the RETURN statement in TSQL

    or your stored procedure's OUTPUT parameters, you're going to have

    to take another few minutes to setup a Command object to capture these values f

    rom the resultset. Again, and I can't emphasis this enough, these values are not made available

    until you've processed all rowsets in each resultset (if there are any). Yes, a stored procedure

    can return several resultsets, but the RETURN value and OUTPUT parameters are not populated

    until all queries have been completed and all rowsets transmitted back to the client.

    Handling Unwanted DataReader Rows

    Okay, so you asked for too many rows in one of your queries and you want to step over

    this rowset to get to your OUTPUT parameters when working with a DataReader.

    Don't be tempted to simply close the DataReader without using the Cancel method

    on the Command first. That's because ADO.NET completes the processing of any remaining rows

    instead of telling SQL Server to cancel all further query processing for this Command.

    Using the DataAdapter Fill Method to Process the RETURN Value and OUTPUT Parameters

    The following code constructs a DataAdapter with its associated SelectCommand to execute

    a multiple-resultset stored procedure that returns several OUTPUT parameters.

    Note that the parameters must be named correctly when working with SQL Server.

    That is they match the names used in the stored procedure. Order is not important,

    but you must include any parameter that does not have a default value set in the stored procedure.

    Listing 4. Constructing a Command and using Fill to execute the query

    Dim bolEOF As Booleancn = New SqlConnection("server=demoserver;" & _    
    "database=Pubs;integrated security=sspi")CreateTestProcedure()         
    ' Create test SP in Pubs DBda = New SqlDataAdapter("OutputTitleInfoByTID", cn)
    da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedureWith 
    .Add("@TID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6).Value = "BU1032"    
    .Add("@Title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 80).Direction _        
    = ParameterDirection.Output    
    .Add("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar, 40).Direction _        
    = ParameterDirection.Output    
    .Add("@Price", SqlDbType.Money).Direction _        
    = ParameterDirection.Output    
    .Add("@Advance", SqlDbType.Money).Direction _        
    = ParameterDirection.Output    
    .Add("@ReturnValue", SqlDbType.Int).Direction _        
    = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue    
    ds = New DataSet    da.Fill(ds)

    Once the Fill method executes the query and processes the rowsets, the RETURN value and OUTPUT parameters

    are available through the SelectCommand.Parameters collection either by ordinal position or by name as shown in listing 5.

    Listing 5. Displaying the values of the Return Value and OUTPUT parameters

    Debug.WriteLine("@ReturnValue:" & _    
    .Item("@ReturnValue").Value.ToString)Debug.WriteLine("@Title:" & _    
    .Item("@Title").Value.ToString)Debug.WriteLine("@Type:" & _    
    .Item("@Type").Value.ToString)Debug.WriteLine("@Advance:" & _    
    .Item("@Advance").Value.ToString)Debug.WriteLine("@Price:" & _    
    .Item("@Price").Value.ToString)Debug.WriteLine("@Advance:" & _    

    Using a DataReader to Process the RETURN Value and OUTPUT Parameters

    This same query can be executed directly with the Command.ExecuteReader (or ExecuteNonQuery

    if you don't have a rowset to process), but there are several other steps you'll need to take

    to process the returned values. Remember, you'll have to complete processing for all rowsets before attempting

    to capture the Return value or OUTPUT parameters. The following code shows how to use the ExecuteReader and

    a loop to process the rowsets, and then capture the Return value and OUTPUT parameters.

    You'll find that OUTPUT parameters (even a lot of them) can be handled far faster than even a single row of data returned by a SELECT.

    Listing 6. Displaying the values of the Return Value and OUTPUT parameters

    With cmd.Parameters    cn.Open()    
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)    
    ' Process rowset(s)    
    bolEOF = dr.Read    
    Do While bolEOF = True            ' Process rows            
    bolEOF = dr.Read()        
    Loop While dr.NextResult = True    
    Debug.WriteLine("@ReturnValue:" & _        
    Debug.WriteLine("@Title:" & _        
    Debug.WriteLine("@Type:" & _        
    Debug.WriteLine("@Advance:" & _        
    Debug.WriteLine("@Price:" & _        
    .Item("@Price").Value.ToString)End With


    This fairly brief article walked you through the details of handling resultsets and the rowsets and

    other stuff they contain. You shouldn't have trouble getting to the gazoutas after this—at least I hope not.