• This one puts the output into SQL commands that you can cut and paste into a new query and execute. 

    -- af_revPermissions

    -- Verify existence of af_revPermissions procedure.  If it does exist,

    -- drop it, so that it can be re-created.

    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[af_revPermissions]') and

     OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)


      print 'dropping existing af_revPermissions procedure.'

      drop procedure [dbo].[af_revPermissions]

      print 'creating af_revPermissions procedure.'



    create procedure af_revPermissions

    @login_name sysname = null,

    @db_parm  sysname = null




    -- Module Name: af_revPermissions


    -- Description:

    -- This procedure accepts two parameters, @login_name and @db_parm.

    -- If a login_name is passed into the procedure, execution will

    -- be for that login_name only.  Otherwise, the procedure

    -- will execute for all login_names.

    -- If a database name is passed in @db_parm, execution will be

    -- for that database only.  Otherwise, all databases on the server

    -- will be processed.

    -- The purpose of this procedure is to provide 'grant' and

    -- 'deny' statements that can be used to reapply permissions

    -- in the given database.


    -- Written By: Steve Phelps           


    -- Date: July 15, 2003          


    -- Modified : Steve Phelps                                     

    -- Date: Sep 12, 2003

    --   Modified the @column edits to include a null value.                                            


    -- USAGE:                                           


    --  use pubs

    --  declare 

    --   @login_name sysname,

    --   @db_parm sysname

    --  set @login_name = 'progsbp'

    --    set @db_parm = 'pubs'

    --  exec af_revPermissions

    --   @login_name,

    --      @db_parm



    -- the following declare and set statements are for test purposes.


    -- declare @login_name sysname,

    --    @db_parm sysname

    -- set @login_name = null

    -- --set @login_name = 'netiq'

    -- -- set @db_parm = null

    -- set @db_parm = 'AXENT_Defender'



    declare @command varchar(5000),

       @limit int,

       @counter int,

       @object varchar(128),

       @owner varchar(50),

       @type char(2),

       @grantee varchar(50),

       @protect_type varchar(6),

       @action varchar(10),

       @column varchar (50),

       @id int,

       @num int,

       @date datetime,

       @timestamp varchar(50),

       @tim varchar(10),

       @db_name varchar(50),

       @return_code int,

       @db_fetch_status int,

       @objects_fetch_status int,

       @permissions_fetch_status int,

       @flag int

    set @limit = 0

    set @counter = 0

    set @date = getdate()

    select @timestamp = convert(char(8),@date,112)

    select @tim-2 = convert(char(10),@date,108)

    select @tim-2 = replace(@tim,':','')

    select @timestamp = @timestamp + rtrim(@tim)

    --temporary table to identify objects to take over...

    Create Table #Hold_Objects

     ( #Object_Name varchar(128),

      #Type char(2),

      #Owner_UID int,

      #Owner_Name varchar(50))

    -- temporary table to hold permissions for the object

    Create Table #Permissions_Table

     ( #id int identity,

      #Owner varchar(50),

      #Object varchar(128),

      #Grantee varchar(50),

      #Grantor varchar(50),

      #Protect_Type varchar(10),

      #Action varchar(50),

      #Column varchar(50))

    create table #db_Table

     (#db_Name sysname)

    if @db_parm is null

     insert #db_Table

      select name

       from master..sysdatabases

       where name not in ('tempdb', 'model', 'pubs', 'Northwind')


     insert #db_Table

      select @db_parm   

    declare db_cur cursor for

     select #db_Name

      from #db_Table

      order by #db_Name

    open db_cur

    fetch next from db_cur into


    set @db_fetch_status = @@fetch_status

    if (@db_fetch_status = -1)


      close db_cur

      deallocate db_cur

    --  return -1




      while (@db_fetch_status <> -1)


    --   begin processing current db.

        print '-- Permissions for database = ' + @db_name

    --   Check database properties to ensure successful processing.

       set @flag = 0    

    --    if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isemergencymode')) = '1'

    --     begin

    --     print '--   *  emergency mode is ON.  *'

    --     set @flag = @flag + 1

    --     end

       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isInLoad')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database is in LOAD.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isInRecovery')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database is in RECOVERY.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isInStandBy')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database is in STANDBY.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isNotRecovered')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database has FAILED RECOVERY.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isOffLine')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database is OFFLINE.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isShutDown')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database is SHUTDOWN.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if (select databaseproperty(@db_name, 'isSuspect')) = '1'


        print '--   *  database is SUSPECT.  *'

        set @flag = @flag + 1


       if @flag > 0


         print ' '

         print '-- Because of the above described database condition(s),'

         print '-- this database will not be processed.  Skipping to'

         print '-- next database.'

         set @db_fetch_status = -2


    -- end of new database check code.

        if (@db_fetch_status <> -2)


    --      gather list of objects (tables, views and procedures).

          select @command = '

           use ' + @db_name + '

           set nocount on

           select so.name, so.type, so.uid, su.name

             from ' + @db_name + '..sysobjects so

            inner join ' + @db_name + '..sysusers su

             on so.uid = su.uid

             where so.type in (''U'', ''V'', ''P'', ''X'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''TF'')'

          insert #Hold_Objects

           exec (@command)

          print '/*'

          Declare objects_cur cursor for

           select ho.#Object_Name,



            from #Hold_Objects ho

            order by ho.#Object_Name,


          open objects_cur

          fetch next from objects_cur into

           @object, @type, @owner

          set @objects_fetch_status = @@fetch_status

          if (@objects_fetch_status = -1)


            close objects_cur

            deallocate objects_cur

    --  return -1


          while (@objects_fetch_status <> -1)


            if (@objects_fetch_status <> -2)


              print 'Checking: ' + @object

    --          build command to gather permissions for current object and place them in #Permissions_Table

              select @command = 'use ' + @db_name + ' exec sp_af_helprotect ' + char(39) + @object + char(39)

              insert #Permissions_Table (#Owner, #Object, #Grantee, #Grantor,

                 #Protect_Type, #Action, #Column)

               exec (@command)

             end -- if (@objects_fetch_status <> -2)


            fetch next from objects_cur into

             @object, @type, @owner

            set @objects_fetch_status = @@fetch_status

           end -- while (@objects_fetch_status <> -1

          close objects_cur

          deallocate objects_cur

    --      begin loop through permissions table to reapply permissions.

          print '*/'

          Declare permissions_cur cursor for










            from #Permissions_Table pt

            inner join #Hold_Objects ho

            on pt.#Object = ho.#Object_Name

    --        where pt.#Grantee <> 'public'

            order by pt.#Object Asc, pt.#Grantee Asc

          open permissions_cur

          fetch next from permissions_cur into

           @id, @owner, @object, @grantee, @protect_type, @action, @column, @type

          set @permissions_fetch_status = @@fetch_status

          if (@permissions_fetch_status = -1)


            close permissions_cur

            deallocate permissions_cur

    --  return -1




            select @command = 'use ' + @db_name

            print @command

            while (@permissions_fetch_status <> -1)


              if (@permissions_fetch_status <> -2)

               if @login_name is null or

                @grantee = @login_name


    --             build statement to reapply the permissions for the current record.

    --              check for all possibilities

    --                        the following line modified 9/12/03 sbp

                 if @column = '.' or @column = '(All+New)' or @column = '(All)' or @column is null

                  set @column = ' '


                  set @column = ' ([' + @column + ']) '

                 select @command = @protect_type + ' ' + @action +

                  ' on ' + '[' + @db_name + ']' + '.' + @owner + '.' + '[' + @object + ']' + @column +

                  ' to ' + '[' + @grantee + ']'

                 if @protect_type = 'deny'

                  set @command = @command + ' cascade'


                 print @command

                 select @counter = @counter + 1

                end -- if @login_name is null or...

               fetch next from permissions_cur into

                @id, @owner, @object, @grantee, @protect_type, @action, @column, @type

               set @permissions_fetch_status = @@fetch_status

             end -- while (@permissions_fetch_status <> -1)

            close permissions_cur

            deallocate permissions_cur

           end -- (@permissions_fetch_status = -1)

          if @counter = 0

           if @login_name is not null

            print '-- ' + @login_name + ' has no object level permissions assigned in this database.'


            print '-- There are no object level permissions assigned in this database.'

         end -- if (@db_fetch_status <> -2)

        truncate table #Hold_Objects

        truncate table #Permissions_Table

        print 'GO'

        print '-- End of processing for Database = ' + @db_name

        print '-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

        fetch next from db_cur into


        set @db_fetch_status = @@fetch_status

       end -- while (@db_fetch_status <> -1)

       close db_cur

       deallocate db_cur

     end -- (@db_fetch_status = -1)

    -- cleanup

     drop table #Hold_Objects

     drop table #Permissions_Table

     drop table #db_Table
