• There is only one date format that will cause you no trouble, no grief, no nothing wherever in the world you'll go.

    This is the standard ISO format ssyymmdd (eg 20040609)

    In SQL Server its convert style 112.

    As already noted, mm/dd/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy is no good, because this is ambigous formats relying on other information outside the date itself in order to decode it correctly (ie what dateformat was/is active etc..)

    Similarly, dd mmm yyyy is not good either, as it's sensitive to the language settings.

    So, the solution is that the client should submit the date to SQL Server as a ssyymmdd string. This will ensure that the date will be stored correct regardless of dateformat settings etc.

    (this does not necessarily mean that the client must display this format, it's just what the code submitting the data should use when the record is saved)
