• Mike, the fields are delimited (by a ~, long story), there are some numerics mixed with text but I am first importing everything as text (nvarchar, actually, except for three loooong text fields which are ntext).  The text values are not quote delimited.

    The way I did the table definition was to create a new table and assign the data types I wanted.  Since this will be a recurring import, there was no reason to set it up to create the table each time...besides, there are no column names in the text file and there are a LOT of columns (107 I think).  As to the number of steps...I was first trying to do it with multiple steps, i.e. one to import into the DB as all text (or nvarchar) columns, then a second to concatenate and transform the dates, etc.  I DID try doing it all in one step, but that didn't work either (same 'type mismatch' error, so I'm fairly certain my VB code was at least decent).  I figured that if I can get it to work in several seperate steps, I would be able to shove them all together into one once it was debugged.  By the way, I checked the date format on the Server and it is set to US standard (someone told me that might have been the issue, but no...and besides, I can manipulate the datetime string to anything it needs to be and that hasn't helped).

    Thanks again for your help...I know it's frustrating trying to answer these types of questions without seeing all of it in front of you, so please ask me anything else I might have left out...

    I have this weird feeling it's going to wind up being something really, really stupid...but if that's the case, I should have stumbled on it by now!
