• It might even be from a _new_ mainframe db

    create function dbo.fnGetNextRecNo(@company xx, @customer xx, @glperiod xx, @transaction)
    returns smallint
            declare @NewRecNo smallint, @recno int
            select @recno =max(recno) + 1
            from _B
            where company = @company
               and customer = @customer
               and glperiod = @glperiod
               and transaction = @transaction
            set @NewRecNo = isnull(@RecNo , 1) -- ?? where do you want to start today
            if @NewRecNo < (-32768)  or @NewRecNo > 32767
                  -- Now what ??? 
                  set @NewRecNo = (-32768)
            return @NewRecNo

    -- grant when needed

    insert into _B (col_list)

    select company,customer,glperiod,transaction, dbo.fnGetNextRecNo(company,customer,glperiod,transaction),...

    from _A


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