• Thanks for the feedback. I tried this...



    var to = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");

    to.ActiveConnection = MM_s4r_STRING;

    to.Source = "SELECT newdate, news FROM dbo.news";

    to.CursorType = 0;

    to.CursorLocation = 2;

    to.LockType = 1;


    var to_numRows = 0;


    <%= Response.Write "&news=" & Server.URLEncode((to.Fields.Item("news").Value)) %>

    <%= Server.URLEncode((to.Fields.Item("newdate").Value)) %>





    Response was 500 error.

    Microsoft JScript compilation error '800a03ee'

    Expected ')'

    /stage1/_inc/news2.asp, line 14

    Response.Write(Response.Write "&news=" & Server.URLEncode((to.Fields.Item("news").Value)))------------------------------^

    any ideas?


    line 14 : <%= Response.Write "&news=" & Server.URLEncode((to.Fields.Item("news").Value)) %>

    I did add another ) but again gave a 500