• "As per my experience, uploading file by natual DTS is so flexible. For example, the file name is not allowed to changed. "

    The name of the file can be changed by using the Visual Basic Active X Script functionality within DTS. Just send the output of the text file destination icon to the active x icon and within place a script.

    Hope this helps...script would be something like:


    Function Main()

    'Rename the output file with a datetimestamp (or anything else)

    Dim fso, SourceFile, DestFile, theFile, theNow

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    theFile = "e:\filedirectory\test.dat"   'whatever the file path is on the PC

    theNow = now()

    SourceFile = theFile & ".dat"   ' or whatver the file extension is

    DestFile = theFile & "_" & Year(theNow) & Month(theNow) & Day(theNow) & Hour(theNow) & Minute(theNow) &Second(theNow) & ".dat

    fso.MoveFile SourceFile, DestFile

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function