• In reply to Scott's question, I will be inserting rows in the same tables as the replicated data, but I would not be updating any rows that were originally replicated.   However, he indicates this would be an issue even if just inserting data.

    I do need clarification on Hilary's reply.  She says "by default replication will delete all data in the row."  However, I assume it will not delete all the rows in the table, but rather just the rows that were replicated previously -- is that correct?  If that is the case it seems like it would be okay to insert rows into the tables via an import process on Server B, just not to update any rows that are a result of replication.  Or, does it go by the filter?  If I have some sort of SiteID and setup my replication with a filter to only include those rows with specified SiteID's, would that resolve the problem?

    Thanks again for any help!

    Ryan Katri