• The article is shalow. No question.

    dcpetterson - I understand your views and will not try to prove anything to you. I am glad your efforts are truly appreciated in your nearrest surroundings. Good for you man.

    As to XML and the relational database, well both are just stupid tools used to solve problems. Nothing more. I am equal oportunity user and choose the appropriate tool (according my vision) for the job.

    I can give you real life examples where the XML messaging is the only way to resolve a problem. I can even give you examples where storing XML in a database field is appropriate solution as well. But, i wont of course.

    Microsoft Decided to use XML enevelops for their biztalk platform. Well, we all know they are idiots. IBM choose to fully support biztalk platform and also choose XML as a messaging transport, but they are idiots as well. Mi3p, ebXML ... etc. are backed up by SUN and 45 other companies. But probably they dont know a shit about the truth, and probably all those mentioned above dont have one real normalized DBA to tell them what to do and why.

    What a shame.