• Hi AJ,

    Yes, all the sitename are populated.. I actually figured out the problem.. but not sure how would i be able to overcome this one..

    here is what is happenning..

    as per http://support.microsoft.com/kb/236605/EN-US/

    the first 8 rows in Excel determine the data type for rest of the rows in the sheet. IN my case first few rows have values for site name as 1899, 9888, 7777 and so on.. and then the values are like 0010, 0030 and so on..

    so only values which are not prefixed with 00 are loaded.. for the values with zero it says ( inside excel if you see error mesage number stored as text )

    if i convert all the values to be prefixed iwth zeros, it does work well.. but i am not supposed to this as site names need to be same as they come in .. like 100 is diffeernt site than 00100

    So.. not sure how to fix this.. excpt that i could convert xls to .txt and then do DTS..

    please let me know if there is any other workaround

