A theoretical flat file database, how could it work well?

  • SQL does not rely on the format of the underlying data store. I've been impressed by the Jet Engine's ability to work over ODBC with flat and CSV files, as well as Excel and other formats. (Not that I am a SQL fan, by any stretch of the imagination!)

  • SQL does not rely on the format of the underlying data store. I've been impressed by the Jet Engine/ODBC ability to work with flat and CSV files, as well as Excel and other formats. (Not that I am a SQL fan, by any stretch of the imagination!)

  • SQL does not rely on the format of the underlying data store. I've been impressed by the Jet Engine/ODBC ability to work with flat and CSV files, as well as Excel and other formats. (Not that I am a SQL fan, by any stretch of the imagination!)

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