Access Denied errors with scheduled jobs

  • Hi,

    I am fairly new to using DTS and I am having trouble with scheduling jobs. I get flat files dumped onto one of our servers and need these imported on a daily basis. I have set up DTS packages and scheduled them at various times. This has been working well for the last few months, but has suddenly stopped working since yesterday. The packages still run fine if I just execute them, but the scheduled jobs don't work.

    When I checked the package logs I found the following error:

    "Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider  Step Error Description:Error opening datafile: Access is denied.    Step Error code: 80004005  Step Error Help File: DTSFFile.hlp  Step Error Help Context ID:0  "

    I have scanned some forums which seem to suggest checking the SQLAgent account, but I am very new to this game and am not sure what exactly I should be looking for and where.

    Help anyone?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    I just fixed a problem like that this morning myself.

    go to services in control panel, and make sure that the SQLSERVERAGENT service logon account has access to the folder where the files are located. (its this that runs the scheduled DTS). See if it makes any difference.


  • Hi,

    Just found out serverops changed the domain without telling me

    Thanks so much! I learn something new everyday!


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