aggregation, group by query - still learning - please help

  • I am trying to modify an aggregated query slightly so that it provides one more column (called cus_code) of information. The moment I add the additional column the aggregated column, called "Invoice Total" no longer displays the correct values.

    ---first query which retrieves 2 columns

    select inv_number, round(SUM(line_units * line_price), 2)as "Invoice Total"

    from line l

    group by inv_number;

    ---results of first query are good

    1001 24.94

    1002 9.98

    1003 153.85

    1004 34.87

    1005 70.44

    1006 397.83

    1007 34.97

    1008 399.15

    ---second query retrieves 3 columns. Additional column called cus_code, but now Invoice Totals are off

    select c.cus_code, i.inv_number, round(SUM(line_units * line_price), 2)as "Invoice Total"

    from line l

    join invoice i

    on l.inv_number = l.inv_number

    join customer c

    on i.cus_code = c.cus_code

    group by c.cus_code, i.inv_number;

    ---results of second query, you see that Invoice Total now totals up all invoice numbers.

    cus_code inv_number Invoice Total

    10014 1001 1126.03

    10011 1002 1126.03

    10012 1003 1126.03

    10011 1004 1126.03

    10018 1005 1126.03

    10014 1006 1126.03

    10015 1007 1126.03

    10011 1008 1126.03

    ---DDL to recreate environment (creates 3 tables)


    CUS_CODE int,

    CUS_LNAME varchar(15),

    CUS_FNAME varchar(15),

    CUS_INITIAL varchar(1),

    CUS_AREACODE varchar(3),

    CUS_PHONE varchar(8),

    CUS_BALANCE float(8)


    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10010','Ramas','Alfred','A','615','844-2573','0');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10011','Dunne','Leona','K','713','894-1238','0');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10012','Smith','Kathy','W','615','894-2285','345.859985351562');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10013','Olowski','Paul','F','615','894-2180','536.75');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10014','Orlando','Myron','','615','222-1672','0');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10015','O''Brian','Amy','B','713','442-3381','0');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10016','Brown','James','G','615','297-1228','221.190002441406');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10017','Williams','George','','615','290-2556','768.929992675781');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10018','Farriss','Anne','G','713','382-7185','216.550003051758');

    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES('10019','Smith','Olette','K','615','297-3809','0');

    /* -- */


    INV_NUMBER int,

    CUS_CODE int,

    INV_DATE datetime


    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1001','10014','1/16/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1002','10011','1/16/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1003','10012','1/16/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1004','10011','1/17/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1005','10018','1/17/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1006','10014','1/17/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1007','10015','1/17/2008');

    INSERT INTO INVOICE VALUES('1008','10011','1/17/2008');

    /* -- */


    INV_NUMBER int,

    LINE_NUMBER int,

    P_CODE varchar(10),

    LINE_UNITS float(8),

    LINE_PRICE float(8)


    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1001','1','13-Q2/P2','1','14.9899997711182');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1001','2','23109-HB','1','9.94999980926514');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1002','1','54778-2T','2','4.98999977111816');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','1','2238/QPD','1','38.9500007629395');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','2','1546-QQ2','1','39.9500007629395');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1003','3','13-Q2/P2','5','14.9899997711182');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1004','1','54778-2T','3','4.98999977111816');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1004','2','23109-HB','2','9.94999980926514');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1005','1','PVC23DRT','12','5.86999988555908');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','1','SM-18277','3','6.98999977111816');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','2','2232/QTY','1','109.919998168945');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','3','23109-HB','1','9.94999980926514');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1006','4','89-WRE-Q','1','256.989990234375');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1007','1','13-Q2/P2','2','14.9899997711182');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1007','2','54778-2T','1','4.98999977111816');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','1','PVC23DRT','5','5.86999988555908');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','2','WR3/TT3','3','119.949996948242');

    INSERT INTO LINE VALUES('1008','3','23109-HB','1','9.94999980926514');

    /* -- */

    Can you please show me what to do in my second query, so that Invoice Totals reflect only the toal by inv_number?


  • I believe your join to the invoice table is wrong. You have on l.inv_number = l.inv_number. You should have on l.inv_number = i.inv_number

  • You are correct!:laugh: So happy! Thank you so much!

    ---corrected query

    select c.cus_code, i.inv_number, round(SUM(line_units * line_price), 2)as "Invoice Total"

    from line l

    join invoice i

    on l.inv_number = i.inv_number

    join customer c

    on i.cus_code = c.cus_code

    group by c.cus_code, i.inv_number;

    ----correct results

    cus_code inv_number Invoice Total

    10011 1002 9.98

    10011 1004 34.87

    10011 1008 399.15

    10012 1003 153.85

    10014 1001 24.94

    10014 1006 397.83

    10015 1007 34.97

    10018 1005 70.44


  • You will find it easier to avoid errors like this if you (a) choose more meaningful table alias names; (b) always include schema names; (c) always include alias names...and so on:




    [Invoice Total] = ROUND(SUM(line.line_units * line.line_price), 2)

    FROM dbo.line AS line

    JOIN dbo.invoice AS inv ON

    inv.inv_number = line.inv_number

    JOIN dbo.customer AS cust ON

    cust.cus_code = inv.cus_code




  • OK, Paul, I appreciate it very much.


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