Alternative method to a Trigger needed

  • Hi,

    I have 3 synchronised databases (Live, Pre-Production and Test). The tables are updated periodically across all 3 databases as/when changes are needed within the associated AX application. I need to perform a task within the ‘Live’ environment on 1 of the tables but not within the other environments.

    The requirement

    When a record is inserted into table 'Mileage', I need to produce an xml file based on the specific column values for that record. One approach would be to:

  • Create an AFTER INSERT Trigger on the 'Mileage' table and replicate the record in the 'Mileage_New' table
  • Use SSIS to transform the record into XML format
  • Delete the record(s) in the 'Mileage_New' table
  • I don’t wish to create the Trigger within the other environments and there may be a danger of Trigger replication in 'Pre-Production' if the tables/indexes are dropped/rebuilt when copying from 'Live'. Are there any other methods available within SQL that work similar to a Trigger that would allow me to perform the aforementioned process when a new record is inserted into a table without changing the 'Mileage' table structure?

    Any ideas please?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Maybe an alternative to a trigger is the OUPUT statement:


    ----Insert values in real table as well use OUTPUT clause to insert

    ----values in the temp table.

    INSERT TestTable (ID, TEXTVal)

    OUTPUT Inserted.ID, Inserted.TEXTVal INTO @TmpTable

    VALUES (1,'FirstVal')

    INSERT TestTable (ID, TEXTVal)

    OUTPUT Inserted.ID, Inserted.TEXTVal INTO @TmpTable

    VALUES (2,'SecondVal')

    ----Check the values in the temp table and real table

    ----The values in both the tables will be same

    SELECT * FROM @TmpTable

    SELECT * FROM TestTable

    ----Clean up time

    DROP TABLE TestTable

    From here:

  • Have you considered a computed column for this?

    A quick example is:




    Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

    XmlFile AS (CAST('<root><Id>' + CAST(Id AS VARCHAR(10)) + '</Id><Name>' + Name + '</Name></root>' AS XML))


    INSERT INTO @TABLE(Name) VALUES('Bob'),('Bill');

    SELECT * FROM @Table

    To do this for real, replace the CAST line with a scalar function that takes in the column values as parameters, and returns XML generated by a FOR XML statement.

    I'd speed test this before deploying into production, as you may get poor performance depending on complexity and number of updates/inserts.

    Edit: My bad, you're putting the XML into a different table - Just ignore me :ermm:

  • Hi Tyson,

    Thanks for the tip. The INSERT table/method is VERY useful - but wouldn't I still require a TRIGGER to run it though?

    Using this method I would still need to 'pole' the table for any new record though. Or perhaps I'm missing the point!

    Thanks for your assistance,


  • Hi Leo,

    Thanks for your help. I realise that my original posting may have been mis-leading as to the xml requirement.

    I need a process to transform the 'NEW' record into an xml file - NOT populating an xml datatype column in the 'Mileage_New' table. I'll investigate your code for clues.

    Many thanks,


  • DerbyNeal (3/2/2011)

    Hi Tyson,

    Thanks for the tip. The INSERT table/method is VERY useful - but wouldn't I still require a TRIGGER to run it though?

    Using this method I would still need to 'pole' the table for any new record though. Or perhaps I'm missing the point!

    Thanks for your assistance,


    A trigger is not required...I don't think it will work if the table has a trigger (not tested).

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