
  • MSSQL2008 with 1 TB Harddisk space


    DB1 - data for 2012.

    DB1_Arch - data for 2011.

    *** Inherited this server; looks like he idea was DB1 is the production; and DB1_Arch is the archive of DB1

    Question 1: When I issue the following query

    SELECT file_id, name, type_desc, physical_name, size /1024 / 1024 AS gbsize, max_size/1024/1024 AS gbmaxsize

    FROM sys.database_files ;

    I get 96 gbsize for Data file and 2gb for Log file for DB1.

    However, when I do Reports, Standard Reports, Disk Usage on DB1, I get 790 xxx.xx MB for data file size (which is about 770gb) and 18 xxx.xx MB (or about 17gb) in log file size.

    Which is right?

    Question 2: There's a request to archive 2012 data to DB1_Archive; then make a backup of it to a different file server. Then delete data from the current DB1 database. Immediate issue I'm facing - if DB1 is in fact 770gb, and total disk is only 1 TB; how do I archive to DB1_Archive first before deleting from DB1?? The math for the space just isn't there. Any suggestions?


  • Check the index sizes on the source tables, as they can sometimes be left off the target database when archiving.

    You could also investigate the use of Page level compression on the Target DB, which depending on the data profile could reduce the size significantly.

    You could also look at putting the Target database on different server with more space then use the scripts that you were going to use as sources for SSIS and have the target as the destination.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • size /1024 / 1024 AS gbsize

    That is not the right computation to get gb. "size" is the number/count of 8K pages. So, to get gb from size, you need to do this calc:

    CAST(size / 128.0 / 1024 AS int) AS gbsize

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • If the computation "size / 1024 / 1024" yielded 96 gbsize,

    the correct computation of "size / 128 / 1024" would yield 8 times that, or:


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Thank you all for the corrections.

    Anyone with any comments on how do I archive the database? Since MSSQL doesn't support UNC path for MDF - getting error "the file .mdf is on a network path that is not supported for database file" nor a mapped network drive.

  • MSSQL_NOOB (1/15/2013)

    Thank you all for the corrections.

    Anyone with any comments on how do I archive the database? Since MSSQL doesn't support UNC path for MDF - getting error "the file .mdf is on a network path that is not supported for database file" nor a mapped network drive.

    Support, from SQL 2008 without Trace Flag 1807 but this should be considered as temporary solution.

  • Haven't tried this yet because I completed the archiving project a few weeks ago. But will definitely try it the next round of archiving. Thought I post this here for my personal future reference or help anyone that had the same issue I did.

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