Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Lynn Pettis (6/20/2011)

    Craig Farrell (6/20/2011)



    One more person, just one more, who applies for an SSIS position (it's specifically advertised as an SSIS position) who's done nothing more than use it as a cross-server source/destination mover and I might start getting grumpy.

    You know, while we're on that topic, what is it with people who don't even bother to look up information before they interview on something that they have worked on (in theory, for 2 years) and only know two or three controls in? Wouldn't you at least go browse the obvious components and get a vague idea of what you're applying for? It's not like you haven't opened and used the thing for 2 years and ignored most of it...

    Do I expect everyone to know the mechanics of how an aggregation will block the stream? No. Do I expect "Describe to me the derived column component" to end up with deer in headlights? No, not really. This isn't a one off case, either. I've gotten through one phone screen where someone could give me a semi-coherent answer. Most sound like Bill Cosby's kids: "I dunno...."

    Don't even get me started on the incredibly interesting answers I've gotten for "Describe two differences between Truncate and Delete".


    Thank you for reading, we now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.


    Is this a mandatory butts-in-chair position or is it something that could actually be done remotely (even during evening and weekend hours)? There may be qualified applicants who really aren't interested in moving to AZ but may be interested in working remotely.

    Sure, like me for example! : -)

    Well, I like to think I'm qualified at least.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    Itโ€™s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    Whatโ€™s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • Craig Farrell (6/20/2011)



    One more person, just one more, who applies for an SSIS position (it's specifically advertised as an SSIS position) who's done nothing more than use it as a cross-server source/destination mover and I might start getting grumpy.

    You know, while we're on that topic, what is it with people who don't even bother to look up information before they interview on something that they have worked on (in theory, for 2 years) and only know two or three controls in? Wouldn't you at least go browse the obvious components and get a vague idea of what you're applying for? It's not like you haven't opened and used the thing for 2 years and ignored most of it...

    Do I expect everyone to know the mechanics of how an aggregation will block the stream? No. Do I expect "Describe to me the derived column component" to end up with deer in headlights? No, not really. This isn't a one off case, either. I've gotten through one phone screen where someone could give me a semi-coherent answer. Most sound like Bill Cosby's kids: "I dunno...."

    Don't even get me started on the incredibly interesting answers I've gotten for "Describe two differences between Truncate and Delete".


    Thank you for reading, we now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.

    SSIS job and they don't know about derived columns???? How can you avoid that one?

    Oh wait! You're talking about job applicants! I get it now! Never mind.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Stefan Krzywicki (6/21/2011)

    Lynn Pettis (6/20/2011)

    Craig Farrell (6/20/2011)



    One more person, just one more, who applies for an SSIS position (it's specifically advertised as an SSIS position) who's done nothing more than use it as a cross-server source/destination mover and I might start getting grumpy.

    You know, while we're on that topic, what is it with people who don't even bother to look up information before they interview on something that they have worked on (in theory, for 2 years) and only know two or three controls in? Wouldn't you at least go browse the obvious components and get a vague idea of what you're applying for? It's not like you haven't opened and used the thing for 2 years and ignored most of it...

    Do I expect everyone to know the mechanics of how an aggregation will block the stream? No. Do I expect "Describe to me the derived column component" to end up with deer in headlights? No, not really. This isn't a one off case, either. I've gotten through one phone screen where someone could give me a semi-coherent answer. Most sound like Bill Cosby's kids: "I dunno...."

    Don't even get me started on the incredibly interesting answers I've gotten for "Describe two differences between Truncate and Delete".


    Thank you for reading, we now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.


    Is this a mandatory butts-in-chair position or is it something that could actually be done remotely (even during evening and weekend hours)? There may be qualified applicants who really aren't interested in moving to AZ but may be interested in working remotely.

    Sure, like me for example! : -)

    Well, I like to think I'm qualified at least.

    Would like to think I am also. Just not sure about moving to Pheonix, Prescott would be a different story especially if Kirisa attends Embry Riddle.

  • Lynn Pettis (6/21/2011)

    Stefan Krzywicki (6/21/2011)

    Lynn Pettis (6/20/2011)

    Craig Farrell (6/20/2011)



    One more person, just one more, who applies for an SSIS position (it's specifically advertised as an SSIS position) who's done nothing more than use it as a cross-server source/destination mover and I might start getting grumpy.

    You know, while we're on that topic, what is it with people who don't even bother to look up information before they interview on something that they have worked on (in theory, for 2 years) and only know two or three controls in? Wouldn't you at least go browse the obvious components and get a vague idea of what you're applying for? It's not like you haven't opened and used the thing for 2 years and ignored most of it...

    Do I expect everyone to know the mechanics of how an aggregation will block the stream? No. Do I expect "Describe to me the derived column component" to end up with deer in headlights? No, not really. This isn't a one off case, either. I've gotten through one phone screen where someone could give me a semi-coherent answer. Most sound like Bill Cosby's kids: "I dunno...."

    Don't even get me started on the incredibly interesting answers I've gotten for "Describe two differences between Truncate and Delete".


    Thank you for reading, we now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.


    Is this a mandatory butts-in-chair position or is it something that could actually be done remotely (even during evening and weekend hours)? There may be qualified applicants who really aren't interested in moving to AZ but may be interested in working remotely.

    Sure, like me for example! : -)

    Well, I like to think I'm qualified at least.

    Would like to think I am also. Just not sure about moving to Pheonix, Prescott would be a different story especially if Kirisa attends Embry Riddle.

    I spent the weekend visiting friends in Richmond. House prices down there are really low, but I don't know that there's enough of a market down there and I don't like the area very much. Phoenix strikes me similarly and doesn't have the draw of old friends.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    Itโ€™s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    Whatโ€™s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • GSquared (6/21/2011)

    Craig Farrell (6/20/2011)



    One more person, just one more, who applies for an SSIS position (it's specifically advertised as an SSIS position) who's done nothing more than use it as a cross-server source/destination mover and I might start getting grumpy.

    You know, while we're on that topic, what is it with people who don't even bother to look up information before they interview on something that they have worked on (in theory, for 2 years) and only know two or three controls in? Wouldn't you at least go browse the obvious components and get a vague idea of what you're applying for? It's not like you haven't opened and used the thing for 2 years and ignored most of it...

    Do I expect everyone to know the mechanics of how an aggregation will block the stream? No. Do I expect "Describe to me the derived column component" to end up with deer in headlights? No, not really. This isn't a one off case, either. I've gotten through one phone screen where someone could give me a semi-coherent answer. Most sound like Bill Cosby's kids: "I dunno...."

    Don't even get me started on the incredibly interesting answers I've gotten for "Describe two differences between Truncate and Delete".


    Thank you for reading, we now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.

    SSIS job and they don't know about derived columns???? How can you avoid that one?

    Oh wait! You're talking about job applicants! I get it now! Never mind.

    So they haven't even memorized a list of SSIS interview questions and answers.

    Wait, maybe that's a good thing.:-D

    It might lighten up someone's day to share some of the answers.

    And may even help your mood too.

  • Greg Edwards-268690 (6/21/2011)

    So they haven't even memorized a list of SSIS interview questions and answers.

    Wait, maybe that's a good thing.:-D

    It might lighten up someone's day to share some of the answers.

    And may even help your mood too.

    Meh, if they can get past the first "Have you cracked it open and looked at it?" questions my phone screens also include two whiteboard questions, so they can't get through on memorization alone.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • Barry! Welcome back. Hope things are going well.

  • Lynn, your reply on the "code provided" was fine. Maybe a little short, but not worth complaining about. Just a note, from my side I wouldn't have replied, maybe given him/her the chance to test themselves after 12-20 hours.

  • Anyone here do a lot of .NET work and willing to travel/speak on those topics? Might have some funding for you.

    Jeff, maybe we can entice you into the CLR world :-D:w00t:;-):hehe:

  • Lynn Pettis (6/21/2011)

    Stefan Krzywicki (6/21/2011)

    Lynn Pettis (6/20/2011)

    Craig Farrell (6/20/2011)



    One more person, just one more, who applies for an SSIS position (it's specifically advertised as an SSIS position) who's done nothing more than use it as a cross-server source/destination mover and I might start getting grumpy.

    You know, while we're on that topic, what is it with people who don't even bother to look up information before they interview on something that they have worked on (in theory, for 2 years) and only know two or three controls in? Wouldn't you at least go browse the obvious components and get a vague idea of what you're applying for? It's not like you haven't opened and used the thing for 2 years and ignored most of it...

    Do I expect everyone to know the mechanics of how an aggregation will block the stream? No. Do I expect "Describe to me the derived column component" to end up with deer in headlights? No, not really. This isn't a one off case, either. I've gotten through one phone screen where someone could give me a semi-coherent answer. Most sound like Bill Cosby's kids: "I dunno...."

    Don't even get me started on the incredibly interesting answers I've gotten for "Describe two differences between Truncate and Delete".


    Thank you for reading, we now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.


    Is this a mandatory butts-in-chair position or is it something that could actually be done remotely (even during evening and weekend hours)? There may be qualified applicants who really aren't interested in moving to AZ but may be interested in working remotely.

    Sure, like me for example! : -)

    Well, I like to think I'm qualified at least.

    Would like to think I am also. Just not sure about moving to Pheonix, Prescott would be a different story especially if Kirisa attends Embry Riddle.

    Prescott is only an hour from my house and I live in Phoenix, really north Phoenix at the edge of the northern city limits. I used to work with someone that traveled into Phoenix every day from Prescott it was about 1 1/2 hours each way for him. There always seems to be open SQL Server jobs here. The last time I switched jobs was during a time period that people in general weren't hiring and it only took me 4 weeks to find the right job, I started getting offers about 3 weeks into the process.

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  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (6/21/2011)

    Anyone here do a lot of .NET work and willing to travel/speak on those topics? Might have some funding for you.

    Jeff, maybe we can entice you into the CLR world :-D:w00t:;-):hehe:

    Maybe Paul? I need to delve into CLR for reasons other than this - but it would be nice.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (6/21/2011)

    Lynn, your reply on the "code provided" was fine. Maybe a little short, but not worth complaining about. Just a note, from my side I wouldn't have replied, maybe given him/her the chance to test themselves after 12-20 hours.

    Well, it could be that I was tired and his response came shortly after I posted my code like I was required to test my code for him.

    Trying to get things done before going to Seattle for an interview with MS on Friday.

    I'll need to remember to pause before responding next time.

  • Lynn,

    Best of luck with the interview with MS. Hope it goes well.

    You thinking of moving to SEA? Leaving the wonderful weather of CO?

  • Is any one of you using a gui to help with powershell script dev ?


    - I'm using Powershell ISE which shows me results

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    Learn to play, play to learn !

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  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (6/21/2011)

    Anyone here do a lot of .NET work and willing to travel/speak on those topics? Might have some funding for you.

    Jeff, maybe we can entice you into the CLR world :-D:w00t:;-):hehe:

    Wait you're offering free training for .NET, all inclusive paid to Redmond....wait, I think I read that wrong. Darn! I saw the word "funding" and immediately thought of my company's training budget. ๐Ÿ˜€

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

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