Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • And Post Padder is still at it.

  • Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

  • (5/12/2016)

    SQLRNNR (5/12/2016)

    BLOB_EATER (5/12/2016)

    Is it wrong that I no longer have the desire to do SQL certification exams? Do I need to look in the mirror and slap myself very hard?

    Don't get me wrong I am super motivated on learning, but, the MCSE doesn't mean much to me anymore....... Oh man where is my mentor! :ermm:

    The MCSE is completely meaningless and irrelevant in my not so humble opinion on that topic.

    I really enjoy conversations with MCSEs or MCDBAs who do the whole chest thumping thing and say " I am a certified DBA!" when they want to sound authoritative and make you believe they are correct.

    You may be certified, but you are still wrong.

    I just had one of those conversations earlier this week with a new hire dba hired by a client. This person had a hard time connecting to the client vpn, navigating ssms, was a certified dba (even had the whole alphabet soup for SQL and Oracle), connected to the wrong servers over and over again. But oh no, he wasn't wrong in any of that.

    Did he have on the requisite cape and "C" logo on his shirt?


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now where's that launcher? I wonder if we could write a procedure to find all threads with more than 1 year since the previous post and delete his posts from them. He'd think he was working backwards or that someone had invoked DBCC TIMEWARP on him. 😛

  • Ed Wagner (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now where's that launcher? I wonder if we could write a procedure to find all threads with more than 1 year since the previous post and delete his posts from them. He'd think he was working backwards or that someone had invoked DBCC TIMEWARP on him. 😛

    No, we need to start thanking him for saying thank you.

    Something like:

    "Thank you for saying thank you for the script. It's really nice when someone thanks us. Thanks again for saying thanks!"

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Michael L John (5/12/2016)

    Ed Wagner (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now where's that launcher? I wonder if we could write a procedure to find all threads with more than 1 year since the previous post and delete his posts from them. He'd think he was working backwards or that someone had invoked DBCC TIMEWARP on him. 😛

    No, we need to start thanking him for saying thank you.

    Something like:

    "Thank you for saying thank you for the script. It's really nice when someone thanks us. Thanks again for saying thanks!"

    But you'd need to spread that out over three or four posts to the same topic, over a couple hours...


  • (5/12/2016)

    Michael L John (5/12/2016)

    Ed Wagner (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now where's that launcher? I wonder if we could write a procedure to find all threads with more than 1 year since the previous post and delete his posts from them. He'd think he was working backwards or that someone had invoked DBCC TIMEWARP on him. 😛

    No, we need to start thanking him for saying thank you.

    Something like:

    "Thank you for saying thank you for the script. It's really nice when someone thanks us. Thanks again for saying thanks!"

    Points padding at it's finest!

    But you'd need to spread that out over three or four posts to the same topic, over a couple hours...


    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Two days ago this particular person posted: "It looks like I have worked in technology my whole career. Now that I'm nearly ready to retire I won't be changing fields."

    Hopefully retirement comes soon and includes no more "Thanks for the script" posts.

  • (5/12/2016)

    Michael L John (5/12/2016)

    Ed Wagner (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now where's that launcher? I wonder if we could write a procedure to find all threads with more than 1 year since the previous post and delete his posts from them. He'd think he was working backwards or that someone had invoked DBCC TIMEWARP on him. 😛

    No, we need to start thanking him for saying thank you.

    Something like:

    "Thank you for saying thank you for the script. It's really nice when someone thanks us. Thanks again for saying thanks!"

    But you'd need to spread that out over three or four posts to the same topic, over a couple hours...


    There's this thing called a trigger that maybe we could utilize to automate this. When he replies, he gets an instance response. :w00t:

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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  • WayneS (5/12/2016) (5/12/2016)

    Michael L John (5/12/2016)

    Ed Wagner (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (5/12/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (5/12/2016)

    And Post Padder is still at it.

    yeah....about 15 today

    We can call him pp. :w00t:

    Agreed. Now where's that launcher? I wonder if we could write a procedure to find all threads with more than 1 year since the previous post and delete his posts from them. He'd think he was working backwards or that someone had invoked DBCC TIMEWARP on him. 😛

    No, we need to start thanking him for saying thank you.

    Something like:

    "Thank you for saying thank you for the script. It's really nice when someone thanks us. Thanks again for saying thanks!"

    But you'd need to spread that out over three or four posts to the same topic, over a couple hours...


    There's this thing called a trigger that maybe we could utilize to automate this. When he replies, he gets an instance response. :w00t:

    Or maybe even an instant response. That would probably be easier to implement than to hack his instance to provide him a response.

    ducks and runs...

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • BLOB_EATER (5/12/2016)

    Is it wrong that I no longer have the desire to do SQL certification exams? Do I need to look in the mirror and slap myself very hard?

    Don't get me wrong I am super motivated on learning, but, the MCSE doesn't mean much to me anymore....... Oh man where is my mentor! :ermm:

    Over a decade ago, I tried for some certifications. I think it was for the then very new SQL2005 certs. I quickly found that my passing depended less on my actual understanding of the product and more on my understanding of the marketing hype - i.e., you had a fair chance of passing without any prior knowledge by just selecting the answer that included "XML" (the then new and shiny silver bullet) if one was available.

    I never put that certification on my resume and only confessed to having it when it was specifically listed as a requirement.

    When 2012 was just released (or about to be released), I was asked to sit some of the new certification exams during the beta period. I was positively surprised by the quality and level of the questions. I also was very surprised to pass the 70-463 test, because I had to take educated guesses a lot of the time - I am more a OLTP guy and I had prepared using a SQL2008 book, so I was blissfully unaware of the huge architectural changes to SSIS in that release, that were targeted in a lot of questions.

    But given the quality of the tests I had done, I felt it worthwile to also later pursue the two exams I had not been admitted to for during the beta, so that I could get the MCSA and the MCSE certification.

    About a year ago, I received some emails informing me that my MCSE (or was it the MCSA - I never remember which is which) was about to expire. To prevent losing the certiification, I had to choose between either taking specific recertification exams at a test center, or following an online recertification process. I tried the latter. Turned out I had to watch a lengthy list of long and mostly boring "training" videos, mostly about topoics that are of no relevance to me at all (e.g. on how to use Azure document store from a .Net program - not something I will ever do). Luckily the system tracked a video as watched if I only laoded it, so I could skip the boring ones and still get full credit, I then also had some reading materials, and then was given a test consisting of multiple-choice questions. Many of them were very easy. Some were hard and required me to go back to the training video or reading material - and then I found that often, the answer was not included anywhere.

    The killer, however, is that there is no limit to how often I do the test, and that the questions remain the same. So anyone can pass by virtue of being patient enough.

    I assume/hope (but do not know) that first acquiring the certification is still relevant. But the retiring and recertification process is a complete laugh. I am given training on irrelevant topics, and I can score the required points without ever actually looking at the training material and by guessing answers and keeping track of which are correct.

    I decided not to waste any more time on this. My certification is now probably once more expired, but I don't care. At all.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • Hugo Kornelis (5/12/2016)

    BLOB_EATER (5/12/2016)

    Is it wrong that I no longer have the desire to do SQL certification exams? Do I need to look in the mirror and slap myself very hard?

    Don't get me wrong I am super motivated on learning, but, the MCSE doesn't mean much to me anymore....... Oh man where is my mentor! :ermm:

    Over a decade ago, I tried for some certifications. I think it was for the then very new SQL2005 certs. I quickly found that my passing depended less on my actual understanding of the product and more on my understanding of the marketing hype - i.e., you had a fair chance of passing without any prior knowledge by just selecting the answer that included "XML" (the then new and shiny silver bullet) if one was available.

    I never put that certification on my resume and only confessed to having it when it was specifically listed as a requirement.

    When 2012 was just released (or about to be released), I was asked to sit some of the new certification exams during the beta period. I was positively surprised by the quality and level of the questions. I also was very surprised to pass the 70-463 test, because I had to take educated guesses a lot of the time - I am more a OLTP guy and I had prepared using a SQL2008 book, so I was blissfully unaware of the huge architectural changes to SSIS in that release, that were targeted in a lot of questions.

    But given the quality of the tests I had done, I felt it worthwile to also later pursue the two exams I had not been admitted to for during the beta, so that I could get the MCSA and the MCSE certification.

    I assume/hope (but do not know) that first acquiring the certification is still relevant. But the retiring and recertification process is a complete laugh. I am given training on irrelevant topics, and I can score the required points without ever actually looking at the training material and by guessing answers and keeping track of which are correct.

    I decided not to waste any more time on this. My certification is now probably once more expired, but I don't care. At all.

    This is what probed my question, the email from learning telling me I have x months before expiration. Yeah right ok, I think I will channel my energy into an article.

  • BLOB_EATER (5/13/2016)

    This is what probed my question...


    I hope Microsoft at least thanked you for submitting to that probe.

    Or maybe the company's been taken over by aliens... Tell me, BE, have you been abducted recently? Seen any strange lights?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (5/13/2016)

    BLOB_EATER (5/13/2016)

    This is what probed my question...


    I hope Microsoft at least thanked you for submitting to that probe.

    Or maybe the company's been taken over by aliens... Tell me, BE, have you been abducted recently? Seen any strange lights?

    Well, I'll be honest now, after 5 interviews rounds with them which ended in a "no" I saw more than lights.... :crazy:

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