Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Amazing, the answer to the problem was right there in the error message.  But of course people are no longer willing to do any troubleshooting before asking for help.

    This is as bad as not being able to figure out how much change is owed for a 13.03 purchase when given 20.03 and you have rung up the purchase as if given 13.03 and having to get your coworker to help you who then grabs a calculator to figure out the change.<br

  • Lynn Pettis - Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:35 AM

    Amazing, the answer to the problem was right there in the error message.  But of course people are no longer willing to do any troubleshooting before asking for help.

    This is as bad as not being able to figure out how much change is owed for a 13.03 purchase when given 20.03 and you have rung up the purchase as if given 13.03 and having to get your coworker to help you who then grabs a calculator to figure out the change.

    Sadly, both are common nowadays.

  • Ed Wagner - Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:37 AM

    Lynn Pettis - Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:35 AM

    Amazing, the answer to the problem was right there in the error message.  But of course people are no longer willing to do any troubleshooting before asking for help.

    This is as bad as not being able to figure out how much change is owed for a 13.03 purchase when given 20.03 and you have rung up the purchase as if given 13.03 and having to get your coworker to help you who then grabs a calculator to figure out the change.

    Sadly, both are common nowadays.

    At least I wasn't the one this happened to at a 7-11, but I was behind him.  The clerk was obviously a college student, and I was simply shocked.

  • Lynn Pettis - Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:35 AM

    This is as bad as not being able to figure out how much change is owed for a 13.03 purchase when given 20.03 and you have rung up the purchase as if given 13.03 and having to get your coworker to help you who then grabs a calculator to figure out the change.

    Have you had someone tell you that because you've now given them the 3 they can't accept it? Apparently that will make the till wrong...

    @Grant, glad it all worked out! They almost missed their flight! Lucky traffic on the M25 (London Circular) is minimal at 5 in the morning.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:30 PM

    Lynn Pettis - Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:35 AM

    This is as bad as not being able to figure out how much change is owed for a 13.03 purchase when given 20.03 and you have rung up the purchase as if given 13.03 and having to get your coworker to help you who then grabs a calculator to figure out the change.

    Have you had someone tell you that because you've now given them the 3 they can't accept it? Apparently that will make the till wrong...

    @Grant, glad it all worked out! They almost missed their flight! Lucky traffic on the M25 (London Circular) is minimal at 5 in the morning.

    Nope.  I worked at a 7-11 years ago, and never had that problem.  I did work at one 7-11 store where I refused to take over the till from another clerk if they started the shift with it or let them take it from me if I started the shift with it.  Some people I just did not trust.

  • Thom A - Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:22 AM - Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:14 AM

    Well, from the agenda, it looks like the bosses are going to be busy with bosses, while I'm not even on the list.  So hopefully I'll be quietly plugging away with the IT people getting my part done.

    Of course, I also just realized, I stress like this when the wife and I are planning a vacation, half the time I'm ready to start packing a week or more beforehand and I still get jumpy I've forgotten something...

    At least, I hope, you haven't forgotten your passport when flying internationally. My parents still haven't lived down the day I got a call at 4am to ask me to drive "home", find a specific bag that was "somewhere" in the house, and do a 3 hour round trip to the airport... At least I was up for work in time that day *rolls eyes*

    Reminds of the moment I arrived at the airport, opened the trunk of the car and noticed that I left my laptop at home.... my wife drove back home to fetch the laptop ( 45 minute round trip),..
    I was lucky having a friend working at the airport who told me to check in, he would arrange the rest., I checked in, waited for my wife to return and ran with him to the gate, the doors closed before I was on my seat.
    Later I heard from him that he had called the loadmaster not to unload my luggage and have the plane wait for me.. (about 5 minutes).


  • Apologies in advance, but this bit made me do a double-take: πŸ™‚

    waited for my wife to return and ran with him to the gate,

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin - Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:33 PM

    Apologies in advance, but this bit made me do a double-take: πŸ™‚

    waited for my wife to return and ran with him to the gate,

    Phil, you're not the only one that had to do a double-take on that.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Louis Hillebrand - Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:47 PM

    Thom A - Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:22 AM - Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:14 AM

    Well, from the agenda, it looks like the bosses are going to be busy with bosses, while I'm not even on the list.  So hopefully I'll be quietly plugging away with the IT people getting my part done.

    Of course, I also just realized, I stress like this when the wife and I are planning a vacation, half the time I'm ready to start packing a week or more beforehand and I still get jumpy I've forgotten something...

    At least, I hope, you haven't forgotten your passport when flying internationally. My parents still haven't lived down the day I got a call at 4am to ask me to drive "home", find a specific bag that was "somewhere" in the house, and do a 3 hour round trip to the airport... At least I was up for work in time that day *rolls eyes*

    Reminds of the moment I arrived at the airport, opened the trunk of the car and noticed that I left my laptop at home.... my wife drove back home to fetch the laptop ( 45 minute round trip),..
    I was lucky having a friend working at the airport who told me to check in, he would arrange the rest., I checked in, waited for my wife to return and ran with him to the gate, the doors closed before I was on my seat.
    Later I heard from him that he had called the loadmaster not to unload my luggage and have the plane wait for me.. (about 5 minutes).


    Back in the day I was an extremely avid skateboarder. One time in high school I had flown out to D.C. to visit my mom. I forgot my skateboard at their house when I got in the car and realized it about the time we got to the airport. My stepfather drove all the back to the house to grab it. Meanwhile they had sealed the door on the plane but the stewardess received a call from inside. They actually unsealed the door on the plane and the stewardess delivered my skateboard to my seat.


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  • WayneS - Thursday, January 19, 2017 3:08 PM

    Phil Parkin - Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:33 PM

    Apologies in advance, but this bit made me do a double-take: πŸ™‚

    waited for my wife to return and ran with him to the gate,

    Phil, you're not the only one that had to do a double-take on that.

    I think with this post it is safe to say that long running "quote bug" may have been fixed. Your response was not posted while I was writing my last one but once mine loaded yours showed up above mine. WOOT!!!!


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  • Really need some info here.

  • Louis Hillebrand - Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:47 PM

    Thom A - Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:22 AM - Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:14 AM

    Well, from the agenda, it looks like the bosses are going to be busy with bosses, while I'm not even on the list.  So hopefully I'll be quietly plugging away with the IT people getting my part done.

    Of course, I also just realized, I stress like this when the wife and I are planning a vacation, half the time I'm ready to start packing a week or more beforehand and I still get jumpy I've forgotten something...

    At least, I hope, you haven't forgotten your passport when flying internationally. My parents still haven't lived down the day I got a call at 4am to ask me to drive "home", find a specific bag that was "somewhere" in the house, and do a 3 hour round trip to the airport... At least I was up for work in time that day *rolls eyes*

    Reminds of the moment I arrived at the airport, opened the trunk of the car and noticed that I left my laptop at home.... my wife drove back home to fetch the laptop ( 45 minute round trip),..
    I was lucky having a friend working at the airport who told me to check in, he would arrange the rest., I checked in, waited for my wife to return and ran with him to the gate, the doors closed before I was on my seat.
    Later I heard from him that he had called the loadmaster not to unload my luggage and have the plane wait for me.. (about 5 minutes).


    In one of my previous lives I drove for an hour and a half to my first job, opened the boot of the car and had a vision of my toolbox on the table in the canteen.  There was nothing I could do without the toolbox so back to base I went.  The rest of the night was very busy.

    On another occasion I spent half an hour driving to the first job to realise I'd forgotten to pick up any power-packs.  As I closed the boot lid, I saw the 'client' walking towards me looking very sheepish.  He then gave me a lengthy story about how his landlord had cut off the electricity and that it would all be sorted tomorrow.  Now, having electricity was a major condition of what was required of the client and not having it could result in legal action against them.  I got to take a statement, give the client a verbal warning about sticking to their conditions and drive away without them ever knowing I couldn't have done the job in the first place.  What was most annoying about that night was after I hoofed it back to base to get some power-packs, not a single other client was in for the rest of the night :crazy:

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    β€”Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

    How to post a question to get the most help

  • - Wednesday, January 18, 2017 12:28 PM

    So, does anyone else get really antsy / nervous / agitated prior to a work-trip?

    Used to.  Then kinda got used to it.  It depends (sorry) on how much I know about what I'm going to find when I get there.

    The night before the first trip to a new site is always a bad night; as is the night before any trip if I've not been away for a while.

    Thomas Rushton

  • TomThomson - Wednesday, January 18, 2017 3:35 PM

    <...> in my next job the Prof who was head of computing at UEA <...>

    UEA?  University of East Anglia?  My father taught there, many years ago...

    ...although in rather a different field - he was in the music department.

    Thomas Rushton

  • It seems there seems to be some issue with the points.
    I seem to have over 900 points in the last 30 days. I'm quite certain that I didn't do that much points (even answered that many questions).
    There's also a guy who has over 10,000 points in the last 30 days (there are only about 6,000 QotD points), so that is very remarkable, but probably very unlikely.

    Maybe an issue with the voting on posts? For example, if I give a thumbs up on a post in this thread, every time someone posts in this thread, that points is double counted?

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