Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • rodjkidd - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:26 AM

    It looks like most people have returned from this SQL Bits - there are some random Americans and one very random Norwegian ( 🙂 )  getting lost in London at the moment... But

    Having only been there Friday night and Saturday I can only comment on those, I liked the idea of the 3 "after dark" sessions on Friday between the main conference and the evening festivities starting. I thought the party was a very good one. And Saturday was excellent, I think for only the 2nd or 3rd I made the right decisions on which sessions to attend. Although I was awake and with it early enough for the very first session.
    It was great catching with Steve, Grant, Gail and seeing Thomas in person for the first time in what seems ages (last Redgate in the City I think?). And we had far too much fun in the session that we both attended... Poor Andre, or not as the case may be 😉 Have I missed any other regular Threadizens?

    I still don't like the domes, but it may be from the deep emotional scars of Liverpool the year before.

    Well organised by the committee and volunteers. I did like the idea of the headphones and big displays outside the full rooms (domes - whatever) so you could tune into them if you couldn't get in. Didn't need them for the sessions I attended though on the Saturday.

    It was odd only going for one day, next year I should have no issues with Friday and Saturday, don't think I can commit to the whole week though. But it was all very rushed on my part, and I certainly felt that! And then at least I can attend the quiz on the Thursday.

    Met new people, bumped into old acquiesces, probably missed a few people I know.



    Great to see you again too...  as you say, though - Poor Andre!  Although I think the heckling from the back was far more disruptive than anything we were doing.  I was just sitting there smiling at him in a disconcerting way...

    Thomas Rushton

  • ThomasRushton - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:33 AM

    rodjkidd - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:26 AM

    It looks like most people have returned from this SQL Bits - there are some random Americans and one very random Norwegian ( 🙂 )  getting lost in London at the moment... But

    Having only been there Friday night and Saturday I can only comment on those, I liked the idea of the 3 "after dark" sessions on Friday between the main conference and the evening festivities starting. I thought the party was a very good one. And Saturday was excellent, I think for only the 2nd or 3rd I made the right decisions on which sessions to attend. Although I was awake and with it early enough for the very first session.
    It was great catching with Steve, Grant, Gail and seeing Thomas in person for the first time in what seems ages (last Redgate in the City I think?). And we had far too much fun in the session that we both attended... Poor Andre, or not as the case may be 😉 Have I missed any other regular Threadizens?

    I still don't like the domes, but it may be from the deep emotional scars of Liverpool the year before.

    Well organised by the committee and volunteers. I did like the idea of the headphones and big displays outside the full rooms (domes - whatever) so you could tune into them if you couldn't get in. Didn't need them for the sessions I attended though on the Saturday.

    It was odd only going for one day, next year I should have no issues with Friday and Saturday, don't think I can commit to the whole week though. But it was all very rushed on my part, and I certainly felt that! And then at least I can attend the quiz on the Thursday.

    Met new people, bumped into old acquiesces, probably missed a few people I know.



    Great to see you again too...  as you say, though - Poor Andre!  Although I think the heckling from the back was far more disruptive than anything we were doing.  I was just sitting there smiling at him in a disconcerting way...

    Well if the speaker decides to heckle the crowd, what does he expect 😉 Yes the back of the room was far more trouble then us!

  • Greg Edwards-268690 - Monday, April 10, 2017 11:02 AM - Monday, April 10, 2017 7:16 AM

    So, which "Hacker Archetype" are you?

    Rather interesting idea, and frankly I think they can also apply to the non-coder type people in IT as well.
    Myself, I think I'm probably a JOAT with a dash of Translator and a smidgeon of Architect.

    So I wonder when this will become an interview question?
    And the secondary question on what hat color you wear.

    Easy, a green one with a white circle on the front.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Just was looking in the topic on using Numeric as a Primary Key...

    I know I'm probably going to annoy Jeff on this, but can we put Jeff Moden and Joe Celko in a room together and require them to discuss what makes a valid primary key?
    And video it?

  • - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 1:46 PM

    Just was looking in the topic on using Numeric as a Primary Key...

    I know I'm probably going to annoy Jeff on this, but can we put Jeff Moden and Joe Celko in a room together and require them to discuss what makes a valid primary key?
    And video it?

    Pay per view? Should make some solid cash.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Pretty sure Mr. Celko will continue to deflect and not answer a direct question.

  • rodjkidd - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:26 AM

    It looks like most people have returned from this SQL Bits - there are some random Americans and one very random Norwegian ( 🙂 )  getting lost in London at the moment... But

    Having only been there Friday night and Saturday I can only comment on those, I liked the idea of the 3 "after dark" sessions on Friday between the main conference and the evening festivities starting. I thought the party was a very good one. And Saturday was excellent, I think for only the 2nd or 3rd I made the right decisions on which sessions to attend. Although I was awake and with it early enough for the very first session.
    It was great catching with Steve, Grant, Gail and seeing Thomas in person for the first time in what seems ages (last Redgate in the City I think?). And we had far too much fun in the session that we both attended... Poor Andre, or not as the case may be 😉 Have I missed any other regular Threadizens?

    I still don't like the domes, but it may be from the deep emotional scars of Liverpool the year before.

    Well organised by the committee and volunteers. I did like the idea of the headphones and big displays outside the full rooms (domes - whatever) so you could tune into them if you couldn't get in. Didn't need them for the sessions I attended though on the Saturday.

    It was odd only going for one day, next year I should have no issues with Friday and Saturday, don't think I can commit to the whole week though. But it was all very rushed on my part, and I certainly felt that! And then at least I can attend the quiz on the Thursday.

    Met new people, bumped into old acquiesces, probably missed a few people I know.



    Some people may already have caught this on Twitter. My return from SQL Bits was not quite as relaxing as I would have expected. Long story, that needs to start about three weeks before SQLBits.

    A month ago (Thursday, March 10) I woke up with very blurry vision in the right eye. For those wearing glasses - hold them above the frying pan for a few seconds to get an idea of what was happening. When this was not gone on Friday, I decided not to wait longer and see the doctor, who sent me to the hospital for eye examination. The ophthalmologist diagnosed me with a ruptured retina, which when untreated can result in retinal detachment. He saw early signs of that process already, but hoped that it was early enough that laser treatment could fixate the rupture and prevent further damage, which would result in my vision clearing up within a few weeks.

    It did clear up at first, but during SQL Bits it grew worse again. At that point I was not overly concerned - I was by then used to my vision becoming worse as I grew more tired, and conferences make me more tired than anything. By Saturday evening my vision was seriously impacted and I looked forward to a good night sleep and them improved vision on Sunday. However, I woke up to even worse vision, more imaginary floating dots then ever before, and worse of all an almost total loss of vision in the bottom left corner of my eye - not a 100% match of the warning signal I had been given for a fallback (which was a total loss of vision along the bottom of my eye), but close enough to be very worried on the plane back home. During the flight and train ride the corner migrated from very dark to black, and grew in size. When my wife picked me up from the airport I knew I needed to call the hospital, which I did from the car. I got an appointment at 4, which gave me all of 40 minutes to relax at home before heading out. Between morning and the time the doctor saw me, the dark-to-black spot had grown noticeably. The doctor immediately confirmed what I already suspected by then: the laser treatment had not held, my retina had started to detach, and surgery was needed. My local hospital doesn't provide that treatment so he sent me to another hospital (as I later found, the best Dutch hospital for this type of treatment). It was too late to get treatment on the same day; I got an appoinbtment for 9AM on Monday.

    So yesterday myy wife and I left home at 7 to make sure we would be in the right place at 9 (she being the driver and me being the passenger - due to by now about 1/3rd of my right eye vision completely gone and the rest very blurry, it was neither safe nor legal for me to drive). We arrived at 8:45, spent a lot of time waiting in between various examinations, until the time came for surgery preparation (12:30) followed by the actual operation - which lasted until 2:15. After that the surgeon told us that the operation had been successful and gave me prescriptions for eye drops, a few rules to live by, and return appointments (today and in two weeks in the local hospital, in six weeks by himself).
    Removing the bandages this morning and the checkup in the local hospital were rather uneventful. My right eye vision is currently no more than rough colored shapes, provided the contrasts are sufficient (so sit in front of me in a bright red shirt, and I would see a red oval shape); but that is expected as a result of the operation and should wear off in a period of between 2 and 8 weeks. My left eye vision is of course fully unimpacted, but I do notice that it is very straining to see with just a single eye.

    Full recovery is likely, but not guaranteed - it's possible that the problem returns and a second treatment is needed. Aside from that, I now also have an increased chance of developing cataracts as I get older. However, for now I am focusing on recovery, on positive thinking. I know that I might get more bad news on my next checkup and I will not be utterly smashed by it because I brace myself for that possibility; but I try to live most of the day, and make my choices, based on an expected recovery in 1-2 months. So I have, for instances, submitted abstracts for Live!360 this fall, based on the expectation that I will be fully operational by then (and in fact way before then).

    I am not writing this in an attempt to collect "pity-points". In fact, I hate pity - it only makes it harder for me to remain optimistic when people constantly tell me that I am in a very pity-worthy situation. The reason I write this is that I consider many of the people in this thread as friends, and as my friends you deserve to know what's going on in my life.
    (By the way, I do not have an eye patch during the day but for the first week I will have to sleep with a protective cover over my eye so I guess there is still plenty of room for throwing bad pirate jokes in my direction. Just resist the temptation to mention "Arrrrr integration in SQL Server 2016" - my friends on twitter already came up with that one, and I can use something new to laugh)

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • No pity, but I will be praying for a full recovery.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Sorry, can't think of any jokes to help you out on the humor wagon.

  • Ugh, Hugo. I depend on my (weak) eyes and had a bad infection years ago. It's a tough place to be, but hope all is well.

    Not a good 'bits ending for me either. Got sick Sat and had a miserable flight home Sunday.

  • Damn Hugo.

    Feel better man.

    You can be off book duty. I approve it.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Hugo -
    Hope all heals well.
    About 30 years ago I got a metal sliver in my eye.
    They froze my eye, dug it out, and I had to goop it up and wear a patch for a couple days.
    Found out that putting a huge swing set together with no depth perception is a challenge.
    So I have some idea of what you're dealing with.

    Possibly losing some eyesight is a scary thought.

  • - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 1:46 PM

    Just was looking in the topic on using Numeric as a Primary Key...

    I know I'm probably going to annoy Jeff on this, but can we put Jeff Moden and Joe Celko in a room together and require them to discuss what makes a valid primary key?
    And video it?

    Heh... no sir.  Not annoyed at all.  In fact, thanks for noticing.  As for putting me in a room with him on the subject... it wouldn't do any good.  It would be like pushing a rope.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Hugo.

    Wow. Hope you have a full recovery, all the best.


  • Hugo Kornelis - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:54 PM

    Some people may already have caught this on Twitter. My return from SQL Bits was not quite as relaxing as I would have expected. Long story, that needs to start about three weeks before SQLBits.

    Oh, crud.  Sorry to hear that Hugo - I hope that your recovery is good and your vision is restored without further intervention.

    Anything database-related in there is unintentional.

    Thomas Rushton

  • ThomasRushton - Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:43 AM

    Hugo Kornelis - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:54 PM

    Some people may already have caught this on Twitter. My return from SQL Bits was not quite as relaxing as I would have expected. Long story, that needs to start about three weeks before SQLBits.

    Oh, crud.  Sorry to hear that Hugo - I hope that your recovery is good and your vision is restored without further intervention.

    Anything database-related in there is unintentional.

    Someone is more awake than I (!) this morning!

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