Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Brandie Tarvin - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 4:33 AM

    Regarding testing, we used to have some business users (back in 2005 thru about 2008) who would just click the APPROVE button on the testing emails we would send out to them. We knew they weren't testing because they'd return the approval not two or three minutes after we sent it. And these were senior managers in one of our remote offices. It got to the point where we stopped moving stuff on their approval and started asking specifically what they saw when they tested it (because it turns out half the stuff they "approved" was what they asked for but wasn't what they wanted). A few years later, they finally got the message and actually started testing for real or assigning the testing to their subordinates when they didn't have time.

    They did not enjoy us calling them a second after we received the approvals saying "I know there's no way you could have tested this change thoroughly because it would have taken you at least an hour."

    Now we have an official test team that really does some hard testing before they turn it loose on the business units. It has made things so much more high-quality (though it annoys me every time the testers find something wrong with MY code because MY code is always perfect. @=).

    Wait, if your code is perfect, then how are they finding things wrong with it?  Or are they hitting you an quibble points, like you put commas IN FRONT of the columns in your SELECTS and use semicolons as "begininators" instead of terminators?

  • Neil Burton - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 5:22 AM

    rodjkidd - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 4:42 AM

    Neil Burton - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 4:33 AM

    I've got to say I was disappointed by the lack of Hallowed be thy Name but I hadn't noticed that they didn't play Run to the Hills until you mentioned it!  You could discuss the perfect Iron Maiden set for hours without reaching an agreement though.  I have to say the best thing I ever heard Bruce say was at Leeds festival in 2005, 'tonight's set is coming from the first five albums'; classics guaranteed.

    You're right about the price of some bands.  I drew the line at paying the thick of £90 to sit in the clouds to see Metallica.  At the other end of the spectrum, Alter Bridge were asking £35 for them, Gojira, Volbeat and another band.  I thought £30 to see Gojira on their own tour in March was a decent price.  Sadly, if people want to make a living from music they need to get the money from somewhere.  The days of multi-million physical sales are probably behind us and, by the sounds of it, multi-million streams on Spotify et al will probably earn you about a tenner.

    Its funny as "Powerslave" is my Maiden album... But yes when you get to that stage it's difficult. I've always thought, do a mini tour at the start or end, much bigger venues, few dates - "Greatest Hits" style, then do a normal rotation style set list for the main tour.
    Ticket prices well when you consider that venues have a pretty much set hire pricing, depending on what the bands require (in house PA etc) and then look at the ticket prices, which are set by the band or band management, as far as I know, you start to see some acts in a different light.
    Anderson Rabin Wakeman caused a bit of a stir with their ticket pricing and VIP bandings. In the US the top tier was 650 dollars. "Normal" tickets were 70 - 130 dollars. London was 90 quid for standard ticket!

    Gojira I have heard! John Martin really likes them.

    The Alter Bridge show was very stripped back, to the point of being a bit cheap looking to be honest, but they'd spent the money on the support acts.  I probably wouldn't have gone to see Gojira but for seeing them at Alter Bridge.  They're definitely one of the more distinctive sounding bands around at the moment.

    I don't know how I feel about the packages and bandings.  If you can afford to pay it why wouldn't you, particularly when there's an opportunity to meet the band etc.  There is a danger that it becomes purely about wringing out extra cash rather than giving the fans what they want.  I suppose in some respects it reflects the changing status of the fans of the band.  As the band have got older and richer so, by and large, have the fans.  The scrawny hard-up teenagers who saved up their pocket money to see Metallica at G-MEX 25 years ago are now the slightly podgy IT workers with a few quid in their pocket who like to treat themselves once in a while.  There'll still be the younger fans coming to the shows hopefully so long as they're not priced out of the market at the bottom end.

    Oh no, the VIP packages are there if you want them. But ARW had 4 or 5 tiers of packages for the USA. it meant you couldn't buy whole sections of tickets until a week before the gigs as they were still VIP package only! Personally I think it was to help Rick pay his alimony to his many ex-wives!Of course if you don't want to pay don't go. I'm going to be cutting back on the "big" gigs from next year, its got to the point where the value for money is no longer tipped in my favour 🙂

  • - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 5:51 AM

    Brandie Tarvin - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 4:33 AM

    Regarding testing, we used to have some business users (back in 2005 thru about 2008) who would just click the APPROVE button on the testing emails we would send out to them. We knew they weren't testing because they'd return the approval not two or three minutes after we sent it. And these were senior managers in one of our remote offices. It got to the point where we stopped moving stuff on their approval and started asking specifically what they saw when they tested it (because it turns out half the stuff they "approved" was what they asked for but wasn't what they wanted). A few years later, they finally got the message and actually started testing for real or assigning the testing to their subordinates when they didn't have time.

    They did not enjoy us calling them a second after we received the approvals saying "I know there's no way you could have tested this change thoroughly because it would have taken you at least an hour."

    Now we have an official test team that really does some hard testing before they turn it loose on the business units. It has made things so much more high-quality (though it annoys me every time the testers find something wrong with MY code because MY code is always perfect. @=).

    Wait, if your code is perfect, then how are they finding things wrong with it?  Or are they hitting you an quibble points, like you put commas IN FRONT of the columns in your SELECTS and use semicolons as "begininators" instead of terminators?

    I was looking at some code last week, and it was a proc.

    Block of code
    then followed by

    I also found a CTE at the start of the code block in a proc and still had the beginanator!

    Oh dear 🙁


  • Greg Edwards-268690 - Monday, May 8, 2017 4:28 PM

    Michael L John - Monday, May 8, 2017 11:49 AM

    Because, apparently, it either never got tested at all, or very minimally.  I suspect that someone ran a report, said all is good, and moved on.

    We got to the point where we had scenarios scripted out, and people signed off on the testing.
    Stopped a lot of this, as either the scenario needed to change as it was not broad enough.
    Or the tester that signed off had to go to management to request the change.
    Amazing process improvement - both from an IT side and Business side.
    No one wanted to ask management for a fix. Especially from the IT side.
    Accountability - what a bizarre concept.
    Certainly got the former finger pointing blame game directed at what really mattered - improving the process for the business.

    We have a process in place.  
    But, there are multiple groups that write reports, and most of them do not follow any kind of process.  They deploy reports directly to production!!!! I have been working on trying to get some sort of process for reporting in place with little success.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • drew.allen - Monday, May 8, 2017 11:18 AM

    Ed Wagner - Friday, May 5, 2017 8:00 PM

    drew.allen - Friday, May 5, 2017 3:57 PM

    Had an interview this morning that went so well, they decided to skip the in-person interview and just offered me the job.  😀


    Congratulations, Drew.  I don't have the exact dates, but that didn't take to long, did it?  Well done.
    Have you decided if you're going to accept the offer?

    I have accepted the offer.  Of all the jobs that I had applied for, it was the one that most closely matched my search criteria.  I had been contacted several times about opportunities in the King of Prussia area, which I outright rejected, because it was a nightmare commute the one time I had a job there.  This job is in Mt. Laurel, which is both closer and has better alternate routes.  It was also in the pay range that I was seeking.  The max that one opportunity would offer was 10K below my minimum, so I didn't even consider that one.


    Congrats on the new gig. But never sell a job short. I had an interview for a company about 9 years ago that was a great fit. The bottom end of my salary range was nearly 15k more than their top end. During negotiations I was able to talk them up to the bottom end of my range. I will have been here for 9 years this coming August. 😛


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  • rodjkidd - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 4:42 AM

    Its funny as "Powerslave" is my Maiden album... But yes when you get to that stage it's difficult. I've always thought, do a mini tour at the start or end, much bigger venues, few dates - "Greatest Hits" style, then do a normal rotation style set list for the main tour.
    Ticket prices well when you consider that venues have a pretty much set hire pricing, depending on what the bands require (in house PA etc) and then look at the ticket prices, which are set by the band or band management, as far as I know, you start to see some acts in a different light.
    Anderson Rabin Wakeman caused a bit of a stir with their ticket pricing and VIP bandings. In the US the top tier was 650 dollars. "Normal" tickets were 70 - 130 dollars. London was 90 quid for standard ticket!

    Gojira I have heard! John Martin really likes them.

    They did just that a few years ago. It was the Flight 666 tour. Granted it was mainly to places they hadn't been previously but all they did that whole tour was the classics. Really wish I could have seen one of those shows. If you haven't seen the film from that tour it is well worth it. Great live footage and the in between stuff is pretty interesting. My oldest watches it all the time...for at least the last 3-4 years.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • rodjkidd - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 6:02 AM - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 5:51 AM

    Brandie Tarvin - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 4:33 AM

    Regarding testing, we used to have some business users (back in 2005 thru about 2008) who would just click the APPROVE button on the testing emails we would send out to them. We knew they weren't testing because they'd return the approval not two or three minutes after we sent it. And these were senior managers in one of our remote offices. It got to the point where we stopped moving stuff on their approval and started asking specifically what they saw when they tested it (because it turns out half the stuff they "approved" was what they asked for but wasn't what they wanted). A few years later, they finally got the message and actually started testing for real or assigning the testing to their subordinates when they didn't have time.

    They did not enjoy us calling them a second after we received the approvals saying "I know there's no way you could have tested this change thoroughly because it would have taken you at least an hour."

    Now we have an official test team that really does some hard testing before they turn it loose on the business units. It has made things so much more high-quality (though it annoys me every time the testers find something wrong with MY code because MY code is always perfect. @=).

    Wait, if your code is perfect, then how are they finding things wrong with it?  Or are they hitting you an quibble points, like you put commas IN FRONT of the columns in your SELECTS and use semicolons as "begininators" instead of terminators?

    I was looking at some code last week, and it was a proc.

    Block of code
    then followed by

    I also found a CTE at the start of the code block in a proc and still had the beginanator!

    Oh dear 🙁


    Has anyone ever done a performance test of a table valued functions that are only a cte and query that begins with a semi-colon. Does it turn what would be an ITVF into a MSTVF from a performance standpoint? Hmmm....once I get caught up on the 200 or so emails from being out of the office for three days I may have to do some tinkering. 😉


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • All this discussion about aging bands is intriguing. I was at Jazz Fest in New Orleans Saturday and Sunday. Saw tons and tons of amazing musicians but for me the best set of the entire thing was Buddy Guy. He is the last of the living blues legends that were contemporaries of the late greats like Muddy Waters and B.B. King. He is 80 and his set was incredible. He had an ear to ear smile the entire set and just tore it up. He even jumped off the stage and walked through the crowd playing and singing. Was so glad to get to see him again as you never know how long some of these guys have left.

    Next major music event is Iron Maiden with my oldest here in Kansas City early July. Up the irons!!


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Sean Lange - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 8:04 AM

    Has anyone ever done a performance test of a table valued functions that are only a cte and query that begins with a semi-colon. Does it turn what would be an ITVF into a MSTVF from a performance standpoint? Hmmm....once I get caught up on the 200 or so emails from being out of the office for three days I may have to do some tinkering. 😉

    Because the syntax is different, the code to create such function gives an error.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Sean Lange - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 8:09 AM

    All this discussion about aging bands is intriguing. I was at Jazz Fest in New Orleans Saturday and Sunday. Saw tons and tons of amazing musicians but for me the best set of the entire thing was Buddy Guy. He is the last of the living blues legends that were contemporaries of the late greats like Muddy Waters and B.B. King. He is 80 and his set was incredible. He had an ear to ear smile the entire set and just tore it up. He even jumped off the stage and walked through the crowd playing and singing. Was so glad to get to see him again as you never know how long some of these guys have left.

    Next major music event is Iron Maiden with my oldest here in Kansas City early July. Up the irons!!

    I did wonder how the Jazz Fest went. Buddy is someone else I'd like to see live. Sounds stunning.
    Enjoy Maiden!

  • Michael L John - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 6:24 AM

    We have a process in place.  
    But, there are multiple groups that write reports, and most of them do not follow any kind of process.  They deploy reports directly to production!!!! I have been working on trying to get some sort of process for reporting in place with little success.

    Curious as to how they have this ability to deploy if the process is not broken.
    If this is allowed, in their eyes, they are following the process.

    We had a data warehouse, a cube, and SSRS.
    Users would extract information, spin it around in Excel.
    Lots of questions would come up when upper management would see different results.
    Sometimes it was a new business rule for us to implement, sometimes they were a bit too creative in creating something violating agreed upon rules.
    That support from above may be your best help.
    In a situation like yours, management would view those following the process as publishing official reports, while the others would be ad hoc reports.

  • Luis Cazares - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 9:01 AM

    Sean Lange - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 8:04 AM

    Has anyone ever done a performance test of a table valued functions that are only a cte and query that begins with a semi-colon. Does it turn what would be an ITVF into a MSTVF from a performance standpoint? Hmmm....once I get caught up on the 200 or so emails from being out of the office for three days I may have to do some tinkering. 😉

    Because the syntax is different, the code to create such function gives an error.

    I have never actually tried as it is just weird to me to put the semi-colon in the beginning. But of course thinking about it of course it can't just stick the semi-colon after the return keyword....duh.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 5:51 AM

    Wait, if your code is perfect, then how are they finding things wrong with it?  Or are they hitting you an quibble points, like you put commas IN FRONT of the columns in your SELECTS and use semicolons as "begininators" instead of terminators?


    Stop making SENSE! 😛

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Michael L John - Monday, May 8, 2017 11:49 AM

    Lynn Pettis - Monday, May 8, 2017 11:45 AM

    Simple question, why wasn't it caught in dev and QA by the people doing the testing in those environments.

    Because, apparently, it either never got tested at all, or very minimally.  I suspect that someone ran a report, said all is good, and moved on.

    One reason why I like more automated testing. This is the type of thing that will slip through, but if possible, it's a good place to write a test so that it doesn't happen the next time.

  • Congrats, Drew, hope it goes well.

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