call a store procedure into other store procedure !?

  • Hi everybody,

    i'm a beginner with sql server 2005

    i'd like to call a store procedure into a other !

    the first store procedure return the @@identity (it"s a simple insert)

    the first store procedure

    LTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestStoreProcedure]


    INSERT INTO TPersonnes(Nom, Prenom) VALUES('tot', '')

    print @@IDENTITY

    return @@IDENTITY

    the second store procedure who call the first

    LTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestCallOtherProcedure]

    @valeur int


    set @valeur = exec TestStoreProcedure

    but that doesn't work and i can't find a simple sample !

    can you help me !?

    Thanks for your knowledge


  • Hi Christophe,

    Look at output parameters.... here's a brief example:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestStoreProcedure]

    (@my_param int output)


    INSERT INTO TPersonnes(Nom, Prenom) VALUES('tot', '')

    set @my_param = @@identity


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestCallOtherProcedure]


    declare @valeur int

    exec TestStoreProcedure @my_param = @valeur output

    select @valeur

  • Use ident_current(table_name) instead of @@identity.

    @@identity gives the last inserted identity value across the server.

  • Actually, even better, use the SCOPE_IDENTITY() function, it will only reference the last identity value created within your stored procedure in the current session.

    @@Identity is current session but any scope

    IDENT_CURRENT() is any session any scope

  • Hi guys,

    thanks you for your knowledge...that's exactly what i want !

    thanks for all


  • Another option would be to have the top level procedure call a function rather than a procedure. Functions can return not just single values, but also tables.

    In the end, the final decision depends on your needs and which tool does the job with the least amount of database processing.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • Hi Andrew Peterson,

    thanks for your information !

    is it possible to have a little sample about a function who returns a table !?

    I'm a beginner of sql server a really !

    Thanks for your knowledge


  • here is a good example, and btw, this function is very useful. It converts strings to a table


    -- call it

    declare @strPermissionName nvarchar(4000)

    select @strPermissionName = N'dkljdflaj,kdkkd,dkjajlf,'

    select * from dbo.fnNStringToArray(@strPermissionName, N',')




    FUNCTION dbo.fnNStringToArray


    @strList nvarchar(4000),

    @strDelim nvarchar(10)



    @tblParsedList table


    rowId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL

    ,ListItem nvarchar(255)




    DECLARE @strListItem nvarchar(255)

    DECLARE @intPos int

    -- Ensure we have a trailing delimiter

    IF RIGHT(@strList,LEN(@strDelim)) <> @strDelim

    SET @strList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@strList))+ @strDelim

    SET @intPos = CHARINDEX(@strDelim, @strList, 1)

    IF REPLACE(@strList, @strDelim, N'') <> N''


    -- Break up the string

    WHILE @intPos > 0


    SET @strListItem = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@strList, @intPos - 1)))

    IF @strListItem <> N''

    INSERT INTO @tblParsedList (ListItem) VALUES (@strListItem)

    SET @strList = RIGHT(@strList, LEN(@strList) - @intPos - LEN(@strDelim) + 1)

    SET @intPos = CHARINDEX(@strDelim, @strList, 1)





    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • Andrew Peterson (11/5/2008)

    Another option would be to have the top level procedure call a function rather than a procedure. Functions can return not just single values, but also tables.

    In the end, the final decision depends on your needs and which tool does the job with the least amount of database processing.

    The only problem is that you can't modify anything within a function, so returning the identity of something you've just created/inserted can't be done with a function, since you can't insert through a function.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Andrew Peterson (11/5/2008)

    here is a good example, and btw, this function is very useful. It converts strings to a table

    Andrew -

    A loop is a rather slow way to do that - you should look at Jeff Moden's article on using a tally table. Will blow the doors right off of any loop solution doing this.

    Article is found here:[/url]

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks for the tip. Always looking for new approaches.

    But what I am really starting to look is a way to have an application pass in an XML value, and then convert that to a table.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • Agree that functions have some limits, but the use here is to simply repackage.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

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