Can this be done without writing a large if statement

  • I have this big if statement checking for each different type and writing an update statement for each one.   I was wondering if there was a better way to do this better than what I am doing.  It adds and subtracts different fields based on type.

    if @old_type = 0 and (@new_type = 1 or @new_type = 2 or @new_type = 4 or @new_type = 5) begin

       Update Employee_Avail_Hours set vac_hours_remain=(vac_hours_remain + @hours),vac_hours_used = (vac_hours_used - @hours),personal_sick_remain=personal_sick_remain - @hours,personal_sick_used=personal_sick_used + @hours  FROM Employee_Avail_Hours where employee_id = @emp_id and year_avail = year(@new_day_off)


     else if @old_type = 0 and @new_type = 6 begin

       Update Employee_Avail_Hours set vac_hours_remain=(vac_hours_remain + @hours),vac_hours_used = (vac_hours_used - @hours),death_remain=death_remain - @hours,death_used=death_used + @hours  FROM Employee_Avail_Hours where employee_id = @emp_id and year_avail = year(@new_day_off)


     else if @old_type = 0 and @new_type = 9 begin

       Update Employee_Avail_Hours set vac_hours_remain=(vac_hours_remain + @hours),vac_hours_used = (vac_hours_used - @hours),school_remain=school_remain - @hours,school_used=school_used + @hours  FROM Employee_Avail_Hours where employee_id = @emp_id and year_avail = year(@new_day_off)


     else if (@old_type = 1 or @old_type = 2 or @old_type = 4 or @old_type = 5) and @new_type = 0 begin

      Update Employee_Avail_Hours set personal_sick_remain=personal_sick_remain + @hours,personal_sick_used=personal_sick_used - @hours,vac_hours_remain=(vac_hours_remain - @hours),vac_hours_used = (vac_hours_used + @hours)  FROM Employee_Avail_Hours where employee_id = @emp_id and year_avail = year(@new_day_off)


     else if (@old_type = 1 or @old_type = 2 or @old_type = 4 or @old_type = 5) and @new_type = 6 begin

      Update Employee_Avail_Hours set personal_sick_remain=personal_sick_remain + @hours,personal_sick_used=personal_sick_used - @hours,death_remain=(death_remain - @hours),death_used = (death_used + @hours)  FROM Employee_Avail_Hours where employee_id = @emp_id and year_avail = year(@new_day_off)



    Any suggestions are welcome,


  • Try setting the whole row of conditions based on the consolidation of like items. For instance the above could be done like so (as long as I didn't misread something)


    if @old_type = 0





      vac_hours_remain =(vac_hours_remain + @hours),

      vac_hours_used = (vac_hours_used - @hours),


      death_remain = death_remain - (CASE WHEN @new_type = 6 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END),

      death_used = death_used + (CASE WHEN @new_type = 6 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END) 



      school_remain = school_remain - (CASE WHEN @new_type = 9 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END),

      school_used = school_used + (CASE WHEN @new_type = 9 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END) 



      personal_sick_remain = personal_sick_remain - (CASE WHEN @new_type IN (1,2,4,5) THEN @hours ELSE 0 END),

      personal_sick_used = personal_sick_used +  (CASE WHEN @new_type IN (1,2,4,5) THEN @hours ELSE 0 END) 





      employee_id = @emp_id and

      year_avail = year(@new_day_off)


    else if @old_type in (1,2,4,5)





      personal_sick_remain = personal_sick_remain + @hours,

      personal_sick_used = personal_sick_used - @hours,


      vac_hours_remain = vac_hours_remain - CASE WHEN @new_type = 0 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END),

      vac_hours_used = vac_hours_used + CASE WHEN @new_type = 0 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END),


      death_remain = death_remain -  CASE WHEN @new_type = 6 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END),

      death_used = death_used +  CASE WHEN @new_type = 6 THEN @hours ELSE 0 END)





      employee_id = @emp_id and

      year_avail = year(@new_day_off)


  • I'd suggest using a case statement, too, for legibility and clarity which will help ease maintenance.

  • My initial reaction is that this is business logic which may be more appropriate at a higher tier.

    Is it possible to perform the checks in a middle-tier component and just have the stored procedure perform a straightforward update?

    One advantage is it that any changes to the logic may be easier to perform and test there.

  • Thanks that is just what i needed, at least now its a lot easier to read and update and learned of a new way of how I could change some of the other stored procs in this server. 

    As far as what raf said, it wouldn't matter since SQL Server and website both reside on the same server so there wouldnt really be any easier one way or the other besides only 2 people will ever really be using this so any performance gains will be slim to none though it will be something to keep in the back of my mind.




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