column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails

  • Hi All,

    I'm a developer working on PHP - MSSQL 2008 combined platform. While running a procedure from a webpage I'm encountering the error as below.

    My Query:

    DECLARE @ReturnValue INT

    EXEC @ReturnValue = S_AccountsBatchActivation @FirstName='abc', @LastName='abc', @Address='abc', @City='abc', @State='abc', @Country='India', @Phone='1', @BatchId='6502'

    SELECT ReturnValue=@ReturnValue


    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TariffId', table 'tempdb.dbo.#tbl________________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000219'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    Though the same query when run from SSMS runs fine:

    Execute S_AccountsBatchActivation









    Issue is perhaps in this piece of code:

    Create Table #tbl(

    AccountId varchar(16) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT,

    RatesheetId int,

    TariffId int


    Insert Into #tbl(AccountId,RatesheetId)

    Select AccountId,RatesheetId

    From Usr_Accounts

    Where BatchId=@BatchId AND Status is null

    If @@Error<>0


    Drop Table #tbl

    Return 0


    On my end I've tried out with ANSI_NULL AND ANSI_NULLS settings being both ON and OFF but it didn't worked.

    Kindly help I've been searching for this for quite some time but am unable to debug this issue.


    Ankit Mathur

  • nothing seems to be the issue with the create table.

    can you post the stored procedure code?

  • As desired,

    Complete procedure attached.

    I hope it helps.


  • I am stumped. Stored procedure looks good.

    Dont want to ask a dumb question so apologize for that.

    Ok. Are you sure, the stored procedure being called from PHP is the same stored procedure when you run from SMSS?

    Could it be stored procedures are on 2 different databases or servers and slightly different?

    I had once burnt quite some time troubleshooting a stored procedure call from application, when I checked the connection string it was pointing to the wrond instance of SQL Server. Just saying.

  • Perhaps the same issue can be regenerated using the following commands

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_testing as

    CREATE TABLE #test (testcol1 int,testcol2 int)


    SELECT * FROM #test


    DECLARE @ReturnValue INT EXEC @ReturnValue = sp_testing SELECT ReturnValue=@ReturnValue

    When I am running this test SP I'm getting "The statement has been terminated." error when run on a webpage. But when run on SSMS the following results come.

    testcol1 testcol2

    1 NULL



    If this lil' R&D stuff is of any help to anybody looking into this issue.

    Ankit Mathur

  • Though I was very sure that I'm pointing to correct SP on correct server I have once again checked and it's correctly pointed.

    This whole thing was working perfectly well in MSSQL 2000. But as soon as we migrated to MSSQL 2008 it started throwing this error.

    Wonder which setting is responsible for it.


  • * On the same connection do u have any other temporary table with

    the name #tbl.

    A likely scenario can be this:

    Your stored proc would be called by another sp. The outer sp having a temp table #tbl. So this sp would refer to other #tbl structure.

    just rename ur #tbl into #tbl_2 or smthng it shd work.

  • Hi Nagaraj,

    MSSQL internally gives a different name for each temp table which it can uniquely identify. I'm very sure of this that same name #tbl shouldn't affect.

    Still I tried it out by giving a different name I'm sure is not being used and got the same error.

    DECLARE @ReturnValue INT EXEC @ReturnValue = S_AccountsBatchActivation @FirstName='abc', @LastName='abc', @Address='abc', @City='abc', @State='abc', @Country='India', @Phone='1', @BatchId='6502' SELECT ReturnValue=@ReturnValue

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TariffId', table 'tempdb.dbo.#tbl_ART____________________________________________________________________________________________________________00000000023D'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    This has got something to do with some setting somewhere specific to NULL treatment.


  • Just to set things straight, MSSQL doesnt create unique temp table names WITHIN the SAME CONNECTION automatically.

    This piece of code is for your ref

    Create proc inner_sp


    create table #tbl(col1 int )

    Insert into #tbl select 1

    drop table #tbl


    create proc outer_sp


    create table #tbl(col1 int , col2 int )

    Insert into #tbl select 1,1

    Exec inner_sp

    drop table #tbl


    EXEC outer_sp

  • Ankit,

    Can you try explicitly setting the column datatype to NULL and try?

    Create Table #tbl(

    AccountId varchar(16) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT,

    RatesheetId int,

    TariffId int NULL


    And if that doesnt work...

    You could also try setting the TarriffId column to NOT NULL and insert 0 into the column instead of NULL when adding rows. This will require some changes to stored proc logic. You get the idea. I hate to do this, but it will be interesting to see what happens.

    Interesting problem indeed.!!!!

  • On your problem, the issue looks awefully to close to the scenario I explained. Anyways will think of other possiblities as well.

  • Thanks vstitte

    I had already tried your second suggestion but didn't wanted to change SP that way.

    Your suggestion to explicitly put NULL seems to have worked. With this suggestion even the test code where I was getting "statement terminated" error also started working.

    Though still unsure what we had done really for SQL Server to start behaving differently this suggestion has worked and my problem sorted out.

    Thanks to you and Nagaraj also for your time and suggestions.

    Ankit Mathur

  • I've seen this issue quite a few times before... unless you specify the nullability of a column during your table creation script, you are at the mercy of the software making your connection, and the way it sets the "ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT" setting.

    Some will set it to ON, others will set it to OFF.

    I first saw this where Query Analyzer (on SQL 7) had a different default to ADO (or RDO... can't remember which), so I make sure I specifically define NULL or NOT NULL for every column.

  • Try the same SP after changing the scope of temp table(#tab)

  • Well, not to dredge up an old topic but this fits my question perfectly. There was never a resolution to the OP's original question posted so I thought I'd reuse the thread.

    I have a very similar problem except that I'm calling a procedure from a web page. This is happening in SQL Server (SSMS) itself.

    I'm simply trying to insert a value from a column in one table into a column in another. Both columns already exist and are of the same type and length. My SQL statement is very simple:

    INSERT INTO CurAccounts (Member2_First)

    SELECT CurProfile.Spouse

    FROM CurProfile

    I get this error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Pri_Org_Code4', table 'MH_Statgin01.dbo.CurAccounts'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    (yes, I mispelled ".._Staging01.. but no matter)

    I don't get this. I am not even referencing the column Pri_Org_Code4 in the query. So my first thought was that since this query is (supposed to be) updating a lot of records in the "CurAccounts" table that, perhaps, there are existing NULLs in the Pri_Org_Code4 field. But there are not. After running this:

    SELECT Pri_Org_Code4 FROM CurAccounts WHERE

    Pri_Org_Code4 = 'NULL'

    I get 0 rows affected. So, I can't figure it out.

    Any Ideas?


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