Communicating with the SQL Browser

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  • I had no idea about this one it took some research. :w00t:

  • Sometimes this kind of theoretical questions are good to put in a change to QotDs. Thanks.

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Missed the "browser" part... :doze:

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  • Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (12/1/2016)

    Interesting question, Steve

    I was under the impression SQL Browser superceded SQL Server Resolution Protocol (SSRP)

    Checking Books online:

    To resolve limitations of the SSRP system, SQL Server 2005 introduced the SQL Server Browser service as a replacement for SSRP.

    That chunk of text can be misleading. SQL Server 2000 had a chunk of code that handled SSRP, and that was replaced (in SQL Server 2005) by the browser. I suspect the code was referred to as the SSRP code, hence the rather misleading statement that you quoted. But the protocol used for communication was also called SSRP, and that wasn't replaced - the browser used it. If you scroll down the BOL page to the Security section you'll see that it states quite plainly that the Browser uses SSRP (the protocol).

    Incidentally, the latest version of the browser uses version 11.0 of SSRP, which is the 47th issue of the specification since August 2007 when version 0.1 of the spec was issued. But about a dozen of the spec issues had purely editorial changes, and 10 more issues contained NO changes (so why re-issue?); a further 14 of issues were just "clarifying the meaning of the technical content" (a phrase which in my experience usually means "we got the documentation wrong so we're fixing the doc to correctly state what the protocol is)" so in fact there were only 11 diffeent versions of the protocol. The last 8 issues can still be downloaded from MS, but they are issues with major revisions alternating with issues with no changes, so that's only the last 4 versions. (versions 8 : August 2013; 9 - 2014; 10 - 2015, and 11: May 2016).


  • Good question.

    I found the suggestion that the SQL Browser used Simple SOAP Binding Protocol quite amusing. 😀 Especially as 13% of answers so for picked that option. :w00t:


  • Interesting question, I had to for sure a little search in MSDN. :unsure: Thanks for this reminder Steve.

  • It looks like I wasn't the only one who had to do some research. Thanks for a question that taught me something.

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