Concatenation Cursor

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Concatenation Cursor

  • It's a very good question. Realy useful.

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  • thanks, a very good question ! got to learn something new today.:-)

  • I have never been so glad to be wrong! I think some of my SPs with temp cursors may meet an end.

  • An excellent question! Thank you for posting it!

  • This is a statement I use all the time in creating Dynamic SQL strings. It is great for use with pivot tables. Something I have been using for a while.:cool:

  • Just remember that without an order by clause, there is no guaranteed order. The correct answer for this could have been just as easily "Bill, Mark, John".

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Wow, I never knew about this! I've got a few SPs to clean up this morning! 🙂

    a haiku...

    NULL is not zero
    NULL is not an empty string
    NULL is the unknown

  • This script is very useful when all the rows are not NULL, but if you modify the insert of Mark with NULL, the script only returns Bill.

    insert into @table values (4, NULL,'M')

    Result: Bill

    Where John goes???

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  • Nice question. I guessed at the answer but lucked out.

    I already have a use for this in a couple of procedures today. PERFECT TIMING!!

  • As a couple of comments stated, the names may not come back in the order you want. On the same server, I ran this query at different times and got "John, Mark, Bill", "John, Bill, Mark" and "Bill, John, Mark" .

  • Juan de Dios (2/16/2010)


    This script is very useful when all the rows are not NULL, but if you modify the insert of Mark with NULL, the script only returns Bill.

    insert into @table values (4, NULL,'M')

    Result: Bill

    Where John goes???


    To cate for this, an aditional clause should be added to the predicate, viz:


    In addition or an alternative to stewartc excellent suggestion, you can in effect negate the presence of the NULL by using an ORDER BY [name] clause

    More interesting try the code with a BLANK name, without the ORDER BY clause it appears in the list of names as , ,

    - with the ORDER BY clause it appears as a leading comma before Bill.


    An EXCELLENT QOD thanks for devising it and submitting, may I encourage you to submit additional QODs

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Here's another alternative using STUFF and FOR XML PATH that does not require a parameter (I believe this is from an article from SSC. If I could have found the URL I would have included it in this post in order to give the appropriate credit.)

    SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + name

    FROM @table

    WHERE gender = 'M'

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')

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