Copy data to different server

  • Ok, I want to write a trigger that when data is inserted into one table on a database server, it automatically copies to a table on a different server. I know how to write the trigger, that's not the problem. My question is, on my Insert statement, will it be INSERT INTO servername.databasename.tablename? Is that how it works, or is there something else that needs to be done to be able to do this? I haven't tested it, just wanted to ask before I got started.



  • DON'T DO IT ! At least not with a trigger !

    What if "the other instance" goes in maintenance, your "primary" instance will nolonger work because that trigger will fail !

    If someone holds an exclusive lock on the "other" instance, your trigger will fail because of locking !

    Did you consider a SERVICE BROKER solution, db-mirroring or another subscription based replication ?

    IMO the service broker solution may perfectly suit your needs.

    Asynchrone, but not prone to (temporary) unavailability of the "other" instance.


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  • If both databases have same structure you can use replication. If not, what about a usual ETL scenario?

  • All I'm doing is when a new employee is created in our HR system, I want that new employee to go to another system, without having to do a manual process. I'm still learning SQL, so that's why I was thinking SQL trigger, because it won't happen that often; however, when it does, I need it to send to the other database. What would be the best avenue to do?


  • Well, you should ask yourself whether it's important that this process occurs instantaneously.

    If it doesn't, then what I'd suggest is that you write an SSIS package which will analyze your table periodically, and move over all the new records.

    You could even have this package running every 5 minutes if you absolutely needed them quickly. The point is just that your main process is not dependent upon the moving process.

  • It could happen every 24 hours for all that matters. I'll look into the SSIS package. I've used one of those before to import data and I'm sure that I can figure it out for this other stuff, but how do I schedule that to run, do I use SQL CMD and create a Windows Schedule task?

  • Just looking at this, I can create a SSIS package the pulls from the one table and then post to the other table, but how do I create it where it only post new records?

  • Well, actually, I should have mentioned something - SSIS can only be used as a scheduled task if you have the Enterprise version (or maybe the Developer one as well, not sure). If you have the standard version, then you can't use that method.

    However, you could instead just write a SSMS job that will do it. All you'll need to do, is check to see any records which are new in your main table, and then write them to your other table.

    You could do that in several ways. You could have an identity field in both tables, and then take the MAX identity value in your destination table. Then take all records from your source table which have an ID greater than that MAX ID. This will work as long as you're never doing delete operations on the tables.

    Another way you could do it is to have a datecreated column in both tables, and then take the MAX datecreated from your destination table, and get all records from your source table which have a datecreated greater.

    Yet another approach would be to have a column in your source table called "New", or something to that extent. This column would be a BIT field. Every time you insert a record into your source table, you would flag that record as NEW = 1. Then, in your scheduled task, you would take all the records who are flagged NEW = 1, copy them to your destination table, and set them to NEW = 0.

  • The issue is, both of these products are canned applications and I can't change what's being posted to the database, just trying to expand their flexability in the backend.

  • Fair enough, so no modification of the table structures, but you should still be able to write an SSMS job, no? Or, technically speaking, you could even just use a Windows scheduled task which executes a SSMS stored procedure, if you can't use SSMS jobs.

    All you need to be able to do is identify which records are new. In order to do that, you can use any of the approaches I mentioned.

    In fact, now that I think about it, if every 24 hours is fine, then why can't you just do a restore of the table through a scheduled task, or through another tool like Redgate?

  • Can't really do a restore, the tables are completely different. Whenever a employe is created in the HR system, there are many things like employID, name, address, spouce, sex, etc.... that goes into that table; however, in the other system I'm wanting to send the data to, I just want the employID and Name.

  • Alright - well, is EmployID an Identity field? And, if so, do both tables share identical records for that?

    If so, you can use the MAX(EmployID) approach to find out which records are new.

    If it isn't, then you've got a bit more difficult problem on your hands, but its still not a big issue.

    What you can do is, run a query along the lines of

    INSERT INTO destinationTable (EmployID, Name)

    SELECT sourceTable.EmployID, sourceTable.Name

    FROM sourceTable

    LEFT JOIN destinationTable ON sourceTable.EmployID = destinationTable.EmployID

    WHERE destinationTable.EmployID IS NULL

    As long as your EmployID columns in both tables are indexed, this shouldn't be a very long query. What itt'l do is, compare the source table against the destination, and retrieve any records which exist in the source table and not in the destination table, then insert those records into the destination table.

  • awesome, I will try that! So, would I put that in a ssis package and schedule it, or is there a way that I can put it in sql and schedule it to run in there? Sorry, I'm still learning!

  • Well, I'm still not completely up to speed on SSIS, but from what my coworker told me, SSIS can't be used for scheduled tasks unless you have the Developer or Enterprise version.

    So, instead, just make a stored procedure which runs that INSERT statement which I posted above, then make a Job in the SQL Server Agent Jobs interface, which will run daily at whatever time you choose, and which just executes the stored procedure you created.

  • You are the man, thank you very much! I'll try this in the morning and let you know.



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