Cursor in SP

  • I'm pretty new with SQL-Server and SPs.

    Because my SP does not finish and I wait and wait, I tried to debug and think there is something wrong with my cursor. I never worked with Cursors before.

    Do you see anything wrong??

    - the replAvg is for Merge-Replication only where I use the Avg conflict solver




    DECLARE @OldNameFull VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @NewNameFull VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @OldName VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @NewName VARCHAR(255)



    --These three are the parameters for the future SP

    SET @OldName ='TEST11'

    SET @NewName = 'TEST12'

    SET @idMMMFormel= '291EF17F-D9E6-DC11-A722-005056C00008'

    SET @idMMMFormelKey = ( SELECT [fiAuswertungFeldMMM]

    FROM [tdta_AuswertungFeldMMMFormel]

    WHERE [idafMMMFormel] = @idMMMFormel


    --Neuen Spaltenkopfnamen schreiben

    UPDATE tdta_AuswertungFeldMMMFormel

    SET afMMMFormelText = @NewName, replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE idafMMMFormel = @idMMMFormel;



    SELECT idAuswertungFeld

    FROM tdta_AuswertungFeld

    WHERE fiAuswertungFeldMMM

    IN (SELECT t1.fiAuswertungFeldMMM

    FROM tdta_AuswertungFeldMMMFormel t1, tkey_AuswertungFeldMMM t2

    WHERE t1.fiAuswertungFeldMMM = t2.idafMMM

    AND t1.afMMMFormelText = @NewName

    AND t2.idafMMM = @idMMMFormelKey);

    OPEN AuswertungsFeld

    FETCH NEXT FROM AuswertungsFeld INTO @AuswertungGUID


    SET @OldNameFull = CAST(@AuswertungGUID AS VARCHAR(50)) + '|' + @OldName

    SET @NewNameFull = CAST(@AuswertungGUID AS VARCHAR(50)) + '|' + @NewName

    PRINT @OldNameFull

    PRINT @NewNameFull

    --Update in Weichen

    UPDATE tdta_Weiche

    SET WeicheUpdateVon = @NewName , replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE WeicheUpdateVon = @OldName AND

    fiWeiche IN (SELECT idWeiche

    FROM tkey_Weiche

    WHERE fiAuswertungFeld = @AuswertungGUID)

    FETCH NEXT FROM AuswertungsFeld INTO @AuswertungGUID

  • well first of if writing a cursor doit like this.

    declare @databasename sysname

    declare myCursor cursor for

    select name from sys.databases

    open myCursor

    fetch next from myCursor into @databasename

    --let's start looping

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    --in cursor buis logic

    print @databasename

    --next record

    fetch next from myCursor into @databasename


    --@@fetch_status is not 0

    close myCursor

    --Close the cursor

    deallocate myCursor

    --Remove the cursor from Memory

    At first glans it looks like you are missing the begin and end part from the while loop

    Mcitp Database Developer.

  • Are you sure you even need a cursor to accomplish your task? Post your Table DDL, some sample data, and a description of what you want to accomplish. We should be able to come up with a better solution than using a cursor.

  • that's correct.. server side cursors are not something you want to do . I have been scaling them out.

    like adam said post the schema and what is needed. im positive that we can find some brilliant way to solve this

    Mcitp Database Developer.

  • very interesting, your replies. I read that one have to avoid cursors wherever possible because of the performance.

    a) But I think that with an expected affected recordcount of about 50 to 100 records, that should be ok, right?

    b) concerning the DDL. Does that make sense? As you can see in the script, I do replace text within the field.

    c) anyhow, I do find the problem in the sp - not in the essence I posted. I set the BEGIN ... END wrapping false.

    I'm willing to learn. Do you mean I should post the create table statements and relationships to work on another way to solve the problem?

    This is how it works now.

    btw: I'll want to do the job within a transaction. Is the --BEGIN TRAN --COMMIT TRAN at the right position??

    Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[spUpdateSpaltenauswertung]

    @OldName VARCHAR(255),

    @NewName VARCHAR(255),

    @idMMMFormel VARCHAR(255)




    DECLARE @OldNameFull VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @NewNameFull VARCHAR(255)


    SET @idMMMFormelKey = ( SELECT [fiAuswertungFeldMMM]

    FROM [tdta_AuswertungFeldMMMFormel]

    WHERE [idafMMMFormel] = @idMMMFormel



    --Neuen Spaltenkopfnamen schreiben

    UPDATE tdta_AuswertungFeldMMMFormel

    SET afMMMFormelText = @NewName, replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE idafMMMFormel = @idMMMFormel;



    SELECT idAuswertungFeld

    FROM tdta_AuswertungFeld

    WHERE fiAuswertungFeldMMM

    IN (SELECT t1.fiAuswertungFeldMMM

    FROM tdta_AuswertungFeldMMMFormel t1, tkey_AuswertungFeldMMM t2

    WHERE t1.fiAuswertungFeldMMM = t2.idafMMM

    AND t1.afMMMFormelText = @NewName

    AND t2.idafMMM = @idMMMFormelKey);

    OPEN AuswertungsFeld

    FETCH NEXT FROM AuswertungsFeld INTO @AuswertungGUID



    SET @OldNameFull = CAST(@AuswertungGUID AS VARCHAR(50)) + '|' + @OldName

    SET @NewNameFull = CAST(@AuswertungGUID AS VARCHAR(50)) + '|' + @NewName

    --Update in Weichen

    UPDATE tdta_Weiche

    SET WeicheUpdateVon = @NewName , replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE WeicheUpdateVon = @OldName AND

    fiWeiche IN (SELECT idWeiche

    FROM tkey_Weiche

    WHERE fiAuswertungFeld = @AuswertungGUID)


    UPDATE tdta_WeicheMaster

    SET wmUpdateVon = @NewName, replAvg = CAST(RAND() * 1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE wmUpdateVon = @OldName

    AND idWeicheMasterFormel IN (

    SELECT fiWeicheDtaMaster

    FROM tdta_Weiche

    WHERE fiWeiche IN ( SELECT idWeiche

    FROM tkey_Weiche

    WHERE fiAuswertungFeld = @AuswertungGUID ) )


    UPDATE trel_WerteCalc

    SET Typ =@NewName, replavg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE Typ= @OldName AND fiAuswertungFeld = @AuswertungGUID

    --Update in Tabellen und Dokumenten und Präsentationen

    UPDATE trel_wdData

    SET TextInhalt = REPLACE(TextInhalt, @OldNameFull, @NewNameFull), replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE CHARINDEX(@OldNameFull, TextInhalt) > 0

    UPDATE tdta_wdTabZelle

    SET ZelleInhalt = REPLACE(ZelleInhalt, @OldNameFull, @NewNameFull), replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE CHARINDEX(@OldNameFull, ZelleInhalt) > 0

    UPDATE tkey_ppFolie

    SET fmText = REPLACE(fmText, @OldNameFull, @NewNameFull), replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE CHARINDEX(@OldNameFull, fmText) > 0

    UPDATE trel_ppFolie

    SET fvText = REPLACE(fvText, @OldNameFull, @NewNameFull), replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE CHARINDEX(@OldNameFull, fvText) > 0

    UPDATE trel_ppFolie

    SET fmText = REPLACE(fmText, @OldNameFull, @NewNameFull), replAvg = CAST(RAND()*1000000 AS INT)

    WHERE CHARINDEX(@OldNameFull, fmText) > 0

    FETCH NEXT FROM AuswertungsFeld INTO @AuswertungGUID



  • Even for an expected 50-100 records cursors are very inefficient when compared to set-based code. It is not just long-running queries that need to be fixed it is also the shorter, inefficient ones that run many times. My personal habit is to always try to come up with the most efficient way of doing things the first time.

    Yes, you should post your table structures (with the create statement if you like), some dummy data, and your desired results. Then someone here will likely post an efficient set-based method to solve your problem.

    Check out this article,

    For tips on how to best post a problem.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
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