DataBase Populator

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm gonna explain the scenario :

    I'm working in a wen application. I just finished my database and i want to test it. But first, i have to fill it with som data. I dont know you, but this for me is a boring task, making some repetetive queries, and repeating data that may not represent the data that i will use in my application.

    I wish to know if there is an application to fill a Sql Server Database with millions of records, like names, seconds names, emails, phone numbers, etc (obviously fake) to make some performance test.


    Cesar Garcia.

  • You could do any of the following:

    1.  Set-up a VB application to populate data into the table(s) using SQL in a loop.

    2.  Create a SET-BASED loop inside QA to populate the table(s) and let it rip

    3.  Create a cursor based loop inside QA to populate the table(s) and let er rip.

    The only problem with these solutions is that you may violate PK or FK constraints.

    I prefer option 2 because I like IF BEGIN END or WHILE BEGIN END loops.

    Good Luck,



    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • thanks for the interest , but this means that I MUST get a dictionary with all the names, emails, phone numbers, etc etc to do the job. This is exactly what i dont wanna do.

    any other ideas?

    I have heard that Erwin's Creators have a app that do this. Any one knows its name?

  • Two usefull links:


    Goce Smilevski.

  • Don't know if it's publicly available, but I remember a free tool from Microsoft named Filltabl.exe. You might find it somewhere. You actually have if, when you own a copy of Inside SQL Server 2000.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Ok.. thanks to all people who helped me!!

  • DataFactory from Quest.

    You should be able to get a trial version to get you by.

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