Date Help

  • Hi,

    I have column called DateDesc and the values are "Start JAN","END MAY", "Mid JUNE". Like this i have for all the months of the year.

    I needed to convert this to actual date based on START/Mid/END

    for example :

    Start JAN : 2015/01/01

    END MAY : 2015/05/31

    Mid JUNE : 2015/06/15


    Start : start date of month

    Mid: 15 of of the month

    End : End date of the month

    Any sample query how to achieve this please

  • KGJ-Dev (5/7/2015)


    I have column called DateDesc and the values are "Start JAN","END MAY", "Mid JUNE". Like this i have for all the months of the year.

    I needed to convert this to actual date based on START/Mid/END

    for example :

    Start JAN : 2015/01/01

    END MAY : 2015/05/31

    Mid JUNE : 2015/06/15


    Start : start date of month

    Mid: 15 of of the month

    End : End date of the month

    Any sample query how to achieve this please

    That is ugly!!! The months are not even consistent. Jan is the 3 character abbreviation but June is the entire month. YUCK!!!! Parsing the month name may prove to be extremely difficult if this is a freeform field. Once you have the month it is painless to get the start, end and 15th.[/url]


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  • Hey sean,

    Thanks for your reply, i am sorry that i misspelled. it is 3 char month. JAN/FEB/MAR/APR/MAY/JUN...

    Any thought/ sample pelase

  • KGJ-Dev (5/7/2015)

    Hey sean,

    Thanks for your reply, i am sorry that i misspelled. it is 3 char month. JAN/FEB/MAR/APR/MAY/JUN...

    Any thought/ sample pelase

    What have you tried?


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  • I have created months table. trying with charindex but no idea how to move forward. would you like to help me in this please

  • I came up with this as a simple example of what you are trying to accomplish:

    with Months as (select MonthAbbr, MonthNumber from (values ('JAN',1),('FEB',2),('MAR',3),('APR',4),('MAY',5),('JUN',6),('JUL',7),('AUG',8),('SEP',9),('OCT',10),('NOV',11),('DEC',12))dt(MonthAbbr, MonthNumber))

    , TestData as (select TestDescription from (values ('START JAN'),('END MAY'),('MID JUN'))dt(TestDescription))



    case when UPPER(left(TestDescription,charindex(' ',TestDescription) - 1)) = 'START' then dateadd(month, MonthNumber - 1, dateadd(year,year(getdate()) - 1900,0))

    when UPPER(left(TestDescription,charindex(' ',TestDescription) - 1)) = 'END' then dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month, MonthNumber, dateadd(year,year(getdate()) - 1900,0)))

    when UPPER(left(TestDescription,charindex(' ',TestDescription) - 1)) = 'MID' then dateadd(day, 14,dateadd(month, MonthNumber - 1, dateadd(year,year(getdate()) - 1900,0)))



    TestData td

    inner join Months m

    on (td.TestDescription like '%' + m.MonthAbbr + '%');


  • I was about to post my version but Lynn beat me to it. On second thought, I will post my version anyway. It is a very different approach from his but produces the same results.

    with Something as


    select 'Start JAN' as SomeValue union all

    select 'END MAY' union all

    select 'Mid JUN'


    , DateStrings as



    case LEFT(SomeValue, charindex(' ', SomeValue, 0))

    when 'Start' then '2015-' + RIGHT(SomeValue, 3) + '-01'

    when 'Mid' then '2015-' + RIGHT(SomeValue, 3) + '-15'

    when 'END' then '2015-' + RIGHT(SomeValue, 3) + '-01'

    end as MyDate

    , LEFT(SomeValue, charindex(' ', SomeValue, 0)) as MonthPart

    from Something



    case MonthPart

    when 'Start' then CAST(MyDate as datetime)

    when 'Mid' then CAST(MyDate as datetime)

    when 'END' then DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, 1, CAST(MyDate as datetime)))


    , MonthPart

    from DateStrings;


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  • Thanks you lynn and Sean, much appreciated.

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