delete all constraints for a table

  • hi

    is there a way to delete all constriants (primary key , unique, not null , foregn key ) for a given table , also if its possible can they be deleted independently also ie only primary key etc...



  • Check ALTER TABLE in bol.


    ALTER TABLE dbo.[Primary]





    ALTER TABLE dbo.[Foreign]

     DROP CONSTRAINT FK_Foreign_Primary



    It is not possible to drop all constraints in a single statement.


  • but what if we dont knw the constriants and there name , we jus need to delete alll the constriants associated with a table

    i was wondering if such an information is saved in any system tables , from where they can be deleted all at once



  • You should never delete them directly from the system tables. You can however create a script that collects the info from INFORMATION_SCHEMA-views (or system tables) and then dynamically removes them with ALTER TABLE.

  • You can get constraint names from sysreferences, sysindexes, sysconstraints table.

    Easy way is use sp_help tablename. All constraints will be listed. Then use ALTER TABLE  DROP CONSTRAINT to drop them.


    Use EnterpriseManager to drop all constarints at once. Goto table properties. Delete whatever is listed in Relationships, Indexes/keys and Check Constraints.


  • Nice call Govinn,

    RTFM (Read the Manual)

    Sql Server will Do alot for you, but will not Everything!

  • If you want to be selective, here's a few ways to generate scripts for dropping FK's and unique constraints and plain indices.

    Note that it's also possible to just disable FK constraints rather than delete them.

    -- generate drop statement for all FK's in all tables

    select 'alter table ' + object_name(id) + ' drop constraint ' + object_name(constid) + char(13) + char(10) + 'go'

    from sysconstraints where ( status & 3 ) = 3

    order by id


    -- creates drop statements for all indices and defined constraints implementing indices.

    -- (PK, Unique)

    select  case when objectproperty(object_id(, 'IsConstraint') = 1

                 then 'alter table ' + object_name(id) + ' drop constraint ' +

               else 'drop index ' + object_name(id) + '.' +


    from  sysindexes i

    where  i.indid between 1 and 254

    and  objectproperty(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1

    and  indexproperty (id, name, 'IsStatistics') = 0

    order by object_name(id), i.indid desc



  • A quick way to get EM to generate a script with all the DROP CONSTRAINT commands is to go in to Design mode and insert a field somewhere (not at the end).  DO NOT SAVE THE CHANGE!!  The script to do this will create a new table and copy all the indexes & constraints, but they have to be dropped from the original table first to avoid name conflicts.

    Copy the script generated for the change, and cancel design mode without saving changes.  If you paste the script in QA it should have all the DROP CONSTRAINT commands you need.

    I'm not 100% positive that the script includes everything, but it has always worked for me.

  • Easily done see


  • The script you pointed to is disabling constraints, not dropping them

    * Noel

  • Dooh !!




  • Here's a script I put together that will Generate sql that will drop all the foreign keys:


    print 'USE ' + DB_NAME()

    print ''

    -- Generate Drops for All Foreign Keys in Database

    print '-- Drop Foreign Keys'

    print ''

    select distinct 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + object_name(fkeyid) +

     '] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + object_name(constid) +

     CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'go'

    from sysforeignkeys


    Run it in Query Analyzer (results to text) and save the results as an sql file.

    I also have a script that will recreate the foreign keys if you are interested.  (It has to be run before you drop them, of course.)

  • Here is the ultimate solution

    declare @cmd nvarchar(500)

    declare cmds cursor for

    SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' + IST.table_schema + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + SO.[name]

    FROM dbo.sysobjects SO LEFT OUTER JOIN

    information_schema.tables IST ON OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) = IST.table_name

    WHERE (SO.xtype IN ('F'))


    SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' + IST.table_schema + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + SO.[name]

    FROM dbo.sysobjects SO LEFT OUTER JOIN

    information_schema.tables IST ON OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) = IST.table_name

    WHERE (SO.xtype IN ('TR'))

    open cmds

    fetch next from cmds into @cmd

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    exec sp_executesql @statement = @cmd

    fetch next from cmds into @cmd


    CLOSE cmds



    Faisal Ahmed Farooqui

  • Try this one, there was an error in above code

    declare @cmd nvarchar(500)

    declare cmds cursor for

    SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' + IST.table_schema + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + SO.[name]

    FROM dbo.sysobjects SO LEFT OUTER JOIN

    information_schema.tables IST ON OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) = IST.table_name

    WHERE (SO.xtype IN ('F'))


    SELECT 'Drop Trigger ' + IST.table_schema + '.' + SO.[name]

    FROM dbo.sysobjects SO LEFT OUTER JOIN

    information_schema.tables IST ON OBJECT_NAME(SO.parent_obj) = IST.table_name

    WHERE (SO.xtype IN ('TR'))

    open cmds

    fetch next from cmds into @cmd

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    exec sp_executesql @statement = @cmd

    fetch next from cmds into @cmd


    CLOSE cmds



    Faisal Ahmed Farooqui

  • Wait a minute... if the first one was the "ulitimate" solution, then ?????

    All of this is good, folks, but no one has asked WHY DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS?  Dropping a primary key, for example, is normally a "Bozo No-No" except for the rarest of situations.

    --Jeff Moden

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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