Do We Need to Learn Linux?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Do We Need to Learn Linux?

  • Windocks has built a good business serving Windows SQL Server container support, which is unaffected by Microsoft's discontinuation of their official Windows SQL Server containers.   Novartis, American Family Insurance, John Hancock, and scores of others rely on Windocks for SQL Server containers with database virtualization.   Database virtualization or cloning delivers multi-database and multi-terabyte environments in seconds (similar to Red Gate DB cloning), to containers, Kubernetes, and conventional instances.   I invite anyone to visit Windocks and give our software a free, supported trial.   Over 90% of people who evaluate Windocks elect to become customers, so you're likely to be pleased with what you find.

    This coming Monday (July 12th) we release Linux based database virtualization.  Linux support combines database virtualization for Oracle, Postgres, and MySQL, and NoSQL data, for delivery to Docker containers, Kubernetes, and conventional instances . . . just as we do for Windows.   The two systems share a management plane and API service, creating a distributed cross platform, versioned, DevOps data repo.

    Paul Stanton

  • Thanks for the clarification Paul. I did have some confusion over the announcement and how it relates to windocks containers. Glad to hear that the technology is not affected and we can continue  building/running sql instance containers on windows OS using windocks.

  • Heh... "Do We Need to Learn Linux?"

    I guess the obvious joke here would be "GOOD SIR!!! CONTAIN YOURSELF!!!"


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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • I neglected to add a note about Windocks, but I've added one in the post. They do support Windows containers. However, not having Microsoft do so for SQL Server is disappointing.

  • Thanks Steve, much appreciated!

  • In the book "Hands-On Data Virtualization with Polybase" you learn how to install SQL Server on Windows Server Core running on Docker Windows, so you don't rely on Microsoft.

  • I'm surprised to see that Microsoft has stopped development of containers for SQL Server on Windows. I'm not clear if it's because it's too complicated of a task or they've felt it isn't worth the effort.

    And I'm also confused by what you said about the Developer Edition of SQL Server. Are you saying Microsoft is going to discontinue that as well?

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Rod, Microsoft has discontinued all Windows SQL Server containers, including Dev/express editions.   The reasons for discontinuation are several, and certainly subject to varied opinions, but seem to center on basic limitations on features and functionality.

  • Does anyone have a good book/website to recommend learning Linux as a beginner? If so, what is it?

  • I know a former colleague and Linux lover who will laugh me to scorn if he sees this article. 🙂

    Br. Kenneth Igiri
    All nations come to my light, all kings to the brightness of my rising

  • A couple Linux resources for you.


    you can add WSL to your Windows 10 install, use a Docker container (log in with -it) or set up a VM. All good experiences and fairly easy.

  • Rod at work wrote:

    I'm surprised to see that Microsoft has stopped development of containers for SQL Server on Windows. I'm not clear if it's because it's too complicated of a task or they've felt it isn't worth the effort.

    And I'm also confused by what you said about the Developer Edition of SQL Server. Are you saying Microsoft is going to discontinue that as well?

    As noted, this is SQL Server on Windows Containers. Windows Containers still have a roadmap, and I don't think they are going away.

    My suspicion here, and I have no knowledge, is that a) Windows is more expensive than Linux for a host, b) people looking at containers were more interested in Linux/K8s/Big Data Clusters, and C) the team finds it easier and wants to focus there.

    That being said, they need to ensure feature parity, or at least a few more things and better HA support. I 'd want to see Linked Server support elsewhere, CLR, backup to URL, a CMD for SQL Agent, a few more.

  • pauls 72822 wrote:

    Rod, Microsoft has discontinued all Windows SQL Server containers, including Dev/express editions.   The reasons for discontinuation are several, and certainly subject to varied opinions, but seem to center on basic limitations on features and functionality.

    Thank you for letting me know.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    Rod at work wrote:

    I'm surprised to see that Microsoft has stopped development of containers for SQL Server on Windows. I'm not clear if it's because it's too complicated of a task or they've felt it isn't worth the effort.

    And I'm also confused by what you said about the Developer Edition of SQL Server. Are you saying Microsoft is going to discontinue that as well?

    As noted, this is SQL Server on Windows Containers. Windows Containers still have a roadmap, and I don't think they are going away.

    My suspicion here, and I have no knowledge, is that a) Windows is more expensive than Linux for a host, b) people looking at containers were more interested in Linux/K8s/Big Data Clusters, and C) the team finds it easier and wants to focus there.

    That being said, they need to ensure feature parity, or at least a few more things and better HA support. I 'd want to see Linked Server support elsewhere, CLR, backup to URL, a CMD for SQL Agent, a few more.

    Thank you for clarifying, Steve.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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