Do you know how to use SQL to make an 'indirection

  • Do you know how to use SQL to make an 'indirection'. You remember in the C language, how you can treat the contents of a variable as a pointer to another variable location, or in other 4th generation languages (& some OS stuff), you can use a 'handle' to hold an indirect reference to another variable...

    I want to do something similar in SQL. I want a column in a table to hold a string that is a column name. I want to create an SQL statement that will use the value of that column name and perform a comparison.

    For example, there it a table:

    Table: T_Compare_Columns

    ( col_name char(50) )

    Another table:

    Table: T_Datastuff

    ( name_ch char(20),

    county_ch char(20),

    salary_dc decimal ( 12,2) )

    Insert a line into T_Compare_columns:

    Insert into T_Compare_columns

    values ( 'county_cd' )

    Then use that to perform an 'indirect reference' comparison. This statement is pure fiction. I know it will not work in this form:

    select *

    from T_Datastuff

    where T_Compare_column.col_name = T_datastuff.COLUMN_NAME

    and t_datastuff.COLUMN_NAME = 'RICHLAND'

    Alena B

    Alena B

  • I think the only way to do this is via dynamic sql

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • Yes, you can only do this with dynamic sql.

    Steve Jones

  • What they mean by Dynamic SQL is that ,

    Decide what Ideally your SQL should look like.

    I think there is still some haziness over there.

    Then decide what is dymanic in that SQL and

    what can be passed as parameters to a stored procedure

    Thirdly set a varchar variable to that ideal SQL u want.

    Then code the stored procedure to use sp_execute sql to fire the query.



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