Do you use Facebook?

  • No Facebook account. And no plans for the future. Facebooks opinion about privacy is a little too creepy I think.

    I have a LinkedIn account though, at least that seems professional πŸ™‚

    My wife is even worse than me. She is practically "invisible" on the internet.

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  • I use FaceBook but overall don't find it profitable. More than anything I find it concerning for the next generation that don't know how to communicate in any verbal form as their lives are consumed with texting, FaceBook posts, tweets, etc.

    Social networking is actually anti-social.



    β€œHe is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • David Benoit (1/6/2011)

    I use FaceBook but overall don't find it profitable. More than anything I find it concerning for the next generation that don't know how to communicate in any verbal form as their lives are consumed with texting, FaceBook posts, tweets, etc.

    Social networking is actually anti-social.

    Not to mention that in a lot of cases the grammar of those kids drops significantly to a lower level.

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  • I have a facebook account that I update very infrequently. Use it mainly to share pics and kid news with friends and family.

    - Nate

  • ALZDBA (1/6/2011)

    I polled for the third option πŸ˜›

    I guess I hit enter... I've PM'd Steve to see if he can take it out, all I can do is edit the post itself, not the poll. πŸ™

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • I don't use it. I joined just because a friend has it and had posted some pictures of a trip. My daughters use it all the time.

  • I don't have an account.

    Some of the tricks that the owners have played from time to time with terms and conditions and with privacy features buried so as to be almost impossible to invoke I wouldn't trust anything to that site, so there's little prospect of me ever having an account (except perhaps using completely fake data and a disposable email, if there's ever a good reason for it, which seems unlikely).

    The link mtillman posted is nice description of some of what is wrong with it.


  • Tom.Thomson (1/6/2011)

    Some of the tricks that the owners have played from time to time with terms and conditions and with privacy features buried so as to be almost impossible to invoke I wouldn't trust anything to that site, so there's little prospect of me ever having an account (except perhaps using completely fake data and a disposable email, if there's ever a good reason for it, which seems unlikely).

    Ditto again. The thing I hate about Facebook is that if I join and then decide to leave, I can deactivate the account, but it will take me moving mountains to actually getting it deleted. That's (and the above) are the biggest reasons I don't want to have anything to do with it.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (1/6/2011)

    Tom.Thomson (1/6/2011)

    Some of the tricks that the owners have played from time to time with terms and conditions and with privacy features buried so as to be almost impossible to invoke I wouldn't trust anything to that site, so there's little prospect of me ever having an account (except perhaps using completely fake data and a disposable email, if there's ever a good reason for it, which seems unlikely).

    Ditto again. The thing I hate about Facebook is that if I join and then decide to leave, I can deactivate the account, but it will take me moving mountains to actually getting it deleted. That's (and the above) are the biggest reasons I don't want to have anything to do with it.

    Ditto Ditto Ditto

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • WayneS (1/6/2011)

    ALZDBA (1/6/2011)

    I polled for the third option πŸ˜›

    I guess I hit enter... I've PM'd Steve to see if he can take it out, all I can do is edit the post itself, not the poll. πŸ™

    no tool to edit this out once someone has picked it. I don't have time to dig through the db to fix it now.

  • Brandie Tarvin (1/6/2011)

    Tom.Thomson (1/6/2011)

    Some of the tricks that the owners have played from time to time with terms and conditions and with privacy features buried so as to be almost impossible to invoke I wouldn't trust anything to that site, so there's little prospect of me ever having an account (except perhaps using completely fake data and a disposable email, if there's ever a good reason for it, which seems unlikely).

    Ditto again. The thing I hate about Facebook is that if I join and then decide to leave, I can deactivate the account, but it will take me moving mountains to actually getting it deleted. That's (and the above) are the biggest reasons I don't want to have anything to do with it.

    That's a good point and raises another one that's kind of scary. Even if your data's deleted, it's not necessarily gone forever either. It get's backed up and copied anyway.

    Years ago, I read an eye-opening article by a network admin. who said to be careful with every email you send. Because of so many backups and the emails going through so many servers, your great, great grandchildren may read your emails some day. :w00t: I'm sure that applies to everything else we put on the internet - Facebook or not.

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

  • I have a Facebook account. I don't use it much. There are way too may posts for me to keep up. Besides, I don't need to know what someone is doing or feeling at a particular moment in time.

    It's all really very frivolous. At least the stuff I see is.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/6/2011)

    WayneS (1/6/2011)

    ALZDBA (1/6/2011)

    I polled for the third option πŸ˜›

    I guess I hit enter... I've PM'd Steve to see if he can take it out, all I can do is edit the post itself, not the poll. πŸ™

    no tool to edit this out once someone has picked it. I don't have time to dig through the db to fix it now.

    FYI, there are no votes for the empty, third option (as of now). Don't know if that makes a difference or not...

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • for those who are in facebook, have a look of this video......

    isnt it funny.....hahahahahah.



  • Yep I use it but sometimes people get carried away with their posts...Don't really care when other people wake up or go to bed...

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