DTS jobs fail

  • I am required to change the sa password on a scheduled basis.  After, I do, all of my DTS packages quit working citing a failure to login in for the sa account.

    I would like to get the Agent setup correctly so that when I change the sa password, it will not affect the DTS jobs.

    Currently, the Agent starts using a DOMAIN ADMIN account. I have searched SQLServerCentral.com and BOL and cant seem to find a solution.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I don't think your agent account is the problem here (although I do not recommend using an account with Domain Admin privledges).  Check your scheduled jobs that run your DTS packages.  Change the package owner from SA to another account. 

    John Rowan

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  • Thanks John, the package owner is set to a database account with sysadmin privilege. 

    If I drop the DTS job and reschedule it, eveything works fine.  It's like the scheduler is using a chached SID for the sa account (probably the one stored in the msdb db with the other job info).

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