Error : Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar.

  • getting error in following script but now able to find out where please help.

    DECLARE @CurrentDate DATETIME --= Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDay()

    DECLARE @CompareDate DATETIME = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDayByDate(@CurrentDate)

    DECLARE @count INT = 5

    DECLARE @EmailHeader VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Header')

    DECLARE @EmailFooter VARCHAR(500)= Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Footer')


    CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),CONVERT(DECIMAL(8,4),((CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price) * 100)) + '%' AS Delta

  • My random guess: -

    DECLARE @CurrentDate DATETIME --= Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDay()

    SELECT @CurrentDate = MAX(DATE)

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices

    DECLARE @CompareDate DATETIME = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDayByDate (@CurrentDate)

    DECLARE @count INT = 5

    DECLARE @EmailHeader VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue ('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Header')

    DECLARE @EmailFooter VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue ('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Footer')


    SET @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '<H1>Top ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @COUNT) + ' Distressed Losers</H1>' +

    '<TABLE border = "1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">' + '<TR><TH>Company</TH><TH>

    Security</TH><TH>Current Date</TH><TH>Current Price</TH><TH>Compare Date</TH><TH>

    Compare Price</TH><TH>Delta</TH></TR>' + CAST((

    SELECT TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CompanyName), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), SecurityName),

    '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurentDate), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentPrice), '',

    TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousDate), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousPrice), '',

    TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), Delta)

    FROM (

    SELECT TOP (@count) CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CurrentLoans.DATE, 101) AS CurentDate,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), PreviousLoans.DATE, 101) AS PreviousDate, CurrentLoans.CompanyName,

    CurrentLoans.SecurityName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentLoans.SecurityId) AS CurrentSecID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousLoans.SecurityId) AS PreviousSecID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentLoans.Price) AS CurrentPrice,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousLoans.Price) AS PreviousPrice,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), CONVERT(DECIMAL(8, 4), ((CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price) * 100)) + '%' AS Delta

    FROM (

    SELECT LoanPrices.DATE, LoanPrices.SecurityId, Company.NAME CompanyName, Security.NAME SecurityName, (LoanPrices.Bid + LoanPrices.Ask) / 2 Price

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices LoanPrices

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Security ON Security.SecurityId = LoanPrices.SecurityId

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Company ON Company.CompanyId = Security.CompanyId

    ) CurrentLoans


    SELECT LoanPrices.DATE, LoanPrices.SecurityId, Company.NAME CompanyName, Security.NAME SecurityName, (LoanPrices.Bid + LoanPrices.Ask) / 2 Price

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices LoanPrices

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Security ON Security.SecurityId = LoanPrices.SecurityId

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Company ON Company.CompanyId = Security.CompanyId

    ) PreviousLoans ON PreviousLoans.SecurityId = CurrentLoans.SecurityId AND PreviousLoans.DATE = @CompareDate

    WHERE CurrentLoans.DATE = @CurrentDate AND CurrentLoans.Price <> PreviousLoans.Price AND CurrentLoans.Price < 70

    ORDER BY (CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price ASC

    ) Movers


    ) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + '</TABLE>' + @EmailFooter;

    Without DDL, it's pretty much impossible to be sure though.

    Forever trying to learn
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  • where exactly change is needed ?

  • ashuthinks (12/21/2011)

    where exactly change is needed ?

    Ummm. . .

    Cadavre (12/21/2011)

    My random guess: -

    DECLARE @CurrentDate DATETIME --= Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDay()

    SELECT @CurrentDate = MAX(DATE)

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices

    DECLARE @CompareDate DATETIME = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDayByDate (@CurrentDate)

    DECLARE @count INT = 5

    DECLARE @EmailHeader VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue ('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Header')

    DECLARE @EmailFooter VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue ('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Footer')


    SET @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '<H1>Top ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @COUNT) + ' Distressed Losers</H1>' +

    '<TABLE border = "1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">' + '<TR><TH>Company</TH><TH>

    Security</TH><TH>Current Date</TH><TH>Current Price</TH><TH>Compare Date</TH><TH>

    Compare Price</TH><TH>Delta</TH></TR>' + CAST((

    SELECT TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CompanyName), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), SecurityName),

    '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurentDate), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentPrice), '',

    TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousDate), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousPrice), '',

    TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), Delta)

    FROM (

    SELECT TOP (@count) CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CurrentLoans.DATE, 101) AS CurentDate,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), PreviousLoans.DATE, 101) AS PreviousDate, CurrentLoans.CompanyName,

    CurrentLoans.SecurityName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentLoans.SecurityId) AS CurrentSecID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousLoans.SecurityId) AS PreviousSecID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentLoans.Price) AS CurrentPrice,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousLoans.Price) AS PreviousPrice,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), CONVERT(DECIMAL(8, 4), ((CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price) * 100)) + '%' AS Delta

    FROM (

    SELECT LoanPrices.DATE, LoanPrices.SecurityId, Company.NAME CompanyName, Security.NAME SecurityName, (LoanPrices.Bid + LoanPrices.Ask) / 2 Price

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices LoanPrices

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Security ON Security.SecurityId = LoanPrices.SecurityId

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Company ON Company.CompanyId = Security.CompanyId

    ) CurrentLoans


    SELECT LoanPrices.DATE, LoanPrices.SecurityId, Company.NAME CompanyName, Security.NAME SecurityName, (LoanPrices.Bid + LoanPrices.Ask) / 2 Price

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices LoanPrices

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Security ON Security.SecurityId = LoanPrices.SecurityId

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Company ON Company.CompanyId = Security.CompanyId

    ) PreviousLoans ON PreviousLoans.SecurityId = CurrentLoans.SecurityId AND PreviousLoans.DATE = @CompareDate

    WHERE CurrentLoans.DATE = @CurrentDate AND CurrentLoans.Price <> PreviousLoans.Price AND CurrentLoans.Price < 70

    ORDER BY (CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price ASC

    ) Movers


    ) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + '</TABLE>' + @EmailFooter;

    Without DDL, it's pretty much impossible to be sure though.

    Forever trying to learn
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    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...
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  • I tried yours 🙁 fail same error 🙁

  • Try this

    DECLARE @CurrentDate DATETIME --= Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDay()

    SELECT @CurrentDate = MAX(DATE)

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices

    DECLARE @CompareDate DATETIME = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.PreviousBusinessDayByDate (@CurrentDate)

    DECLARE @count INT = 5

    DECLARE @EmailHeader VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue ('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Header')

    DECLARE @EmailFooter VARCHAR(500) = Fireball_Configuration.dbo.GetConfigurationValue ('Fireball', 'EmailSettings - Footer')


    SET @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '<H1>Top ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @COUNT) + ' Distressed Losers</H1>' +

    '<TABLE border = "1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">' + '<TR><TH>Company</TH><TH>

    Security</TH><TH>Current Date</TH><TH>Current Price</TH><TH>Compare Date</TH><TH>

    Compare Price</TH><TH>Delta</TH></TR>' + CAST((

    SELECT TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CompanyName), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), SecurityName),

    '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurentDate), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentPrice), '',

    TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousDate), '', TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousPrice), '',

    TD = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), Delta)

    FROM (

    SELECT TOP (@count) CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CurrentLoans.DATE, 101) AS CurentDate,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), PreviousLoans.DATE, 101) AS PreviousDate, CurrentLoans.CompanyName,

    CurrentLoans.SecurityName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentLoans.SecurityId) AS CurrentSecID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousLoans.SecurityId) AS PreviousSecID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CurrentLoans.Price) AS CurrentPrice,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousLoans.Price) AS PreviousPrice,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(15), CONVERT(DECIMAL(8, 4), ((CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price) * 100)) + '%' AS Delta

    FROM (

    SELECT LoanPrices.DATE, LoanPrices.SecurityId, Company.NAME CompanyName, Security.NAME SecurityName, (LoanPrices.Bid + LoanPrices.Ask) / 2 Price

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices LoanPrices

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Security ON Security.SecurityId = LoanPrices.SecurityId

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Company ON Company.CompanyId = Security.CompanyId

    ) CurrentLoans


    SELECT LoanPrices.DATE, LoanPrices.SecurityId, Company.NAME CompanyName, Security.NAME SecurityName, (LoanPrices.Bid + LoanPrices.Ask) / 2 Price

    FROM Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_LoanPrices LoanPrices

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Security ON Security.SecurityId = LoanPrices.SecurityId

    INNER JOIN Fireball..Company ON Company.CompanyId = Security.CompanyId

    ) PreviousLoans ON PreviousLoans.SecurityId = CurrentLoans.SecurityId AND PreviousLoans.DATE = @CompareDate

    WHERE CurrentLoans.DATE = @CurrentDate AND CurrentLoans.Price <> PreviousLoans.Price AND CurrentLoans.Price < 70

    ORDER BY (CurrentLoans.Price - PreviousLoans.Price) / PreviousLoans.Price ASC

    ) Movers


    ) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + '</TABLE>' + @EmailFooter;

    You're converting a decimal(8,4) to a varchar(8) which isn't enough room.

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  • Post the create statements for your tables, and then we'll have a better chance of helping! 🙂

    Disclaimer - The opinions expressed by the mouth are not necessarily those of the brain

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